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Subject: Pagan Math

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Date Posted: 01:20:21 03/22/03 Sat
In reply to: Black_Wolf 's message, "Could We.........." on 04:45:03 03/20/03 Thu

Hey Black Wolf, Ya know all those folks they talk about in history and math class like Plato, Hippocrates and Pythagoras? Well I don't know how to break this to you and your teachers, but those guys weren't Christians. They were Pagans! Did you know that the Pentagram was the symbol of the Pythagorean school of philosophy long before somebody decided it looked good at Witches Sabbats? Do you know that Plato associated the five perfect solids, otherwise known as the Platonic Solids, with the elements of earth, air, fire, water and aether or spirit? Do you know the religious symbolism the Egyptians attached to the 3,4,5 triangle and how this led Pythagoras to develop the famous geometric theorum that bears his name? Have any of your teachers mentioned Leonardo da Vinci? If so, take a look at his work titled Vitruvian Man. Does the man in the picture look like a pentagram? If so, why? By the way, who was Vitruvius that Leonardo should name this work after him? If sites on Freemasonry and the Order of the Eastern Star aren't blocked look at them and become enlightened. Read the book Born In Blood, the Lost Secrets of Freemasonry for your course on history and you may be able to educate your history teacher on some things he or she may not have known about the Knights Templar and modern Freemasons.

If sites labeled Wiccan are blocked for alleged cultic associations try sites on subjects such as Phi, the golden section or golden mean, the Divine Proportion, Sacred Geometry, Pythagoras, the Platonic Solids or Vitruvius. You may find that the traditions of Witchcraft are much older than Gerald Gardner and you might even be able to teach your teachers a thing or to about the geometry and math of Witchcraft. Tell your geometry teacher what the Schafley number of the dodecahedron is and how the ratio of that Schafley number relates to the pentagram and I'll bet that teacher will have a new appreciation of your mathmatical skills not to mention your religion.


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