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Subject: Hawaii Eh?

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Date Posted: 02:30:10 03/26/03 Wed
In reply to: Black_Wolf 's message, "Ummmmmm......" on 04:16:16 03/25/03 Tue

Well I guess that if one must run away there are worse (and less expensive) places to go than Hawaii. Before begining the journey however I'd ask myself if the trip were really necessary. I see no reason to tell anybody anything at home or at school. There are few, if any, religious paths that can not be beneficially travelled without some mental, emotional, physical and spiritual disciplene and maturity. Witchcraft is no exception. It might be a good spiritual exercise for a Witch to try to sit in the choir singing "Jesus was an Airborne Ranger" or whatever. Certainly that would require no more disciplene than some aspects of Witchcraft. The more I learn of Christianity, or more correctly the teachings of Yashua who never used the term "Christian", the more relevant these teachings seem to be to Witchcraft. Here's some suggested reading that might serve to help you "bridge the chasm" between the Christian and Pagan worlds. The Woman With The Alabaster Jar, Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail by Margaret Starbird, found at this link, http://www.rentapriest.com/starbird.htm or The Moon Beneath Her Feet, Mary Magdalene in the Service of the Goddess by Clysta Kinstler which is discussed at this site. http://www.magdalene.org/temple_priestess.htm

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Re: Hawaii Eh?Ocean Starr09:50:56 03/26/03 Wed

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