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Subject: Re: Rethink????/

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Date Posted: 04:53:01 04/01/03 Tue
In reply to: Black_Wolf 's message, "Rethink????/" on 04:42:06 03/31/03 Mon

As I've missed your thirty minute deadline I suspect you won't see this unless your journey takes you to an internet equipped library. On the off chance that it does, let me wish you well and ask that you keep in touch.

As a bit of unsolicited parting advice let me recommend that you not cross state lines, stay out of places where underage people attract suspicion, like any place public during school hours, find some means of support, don't get anybody pregnant, and, if nothing else, use the most powerful ability ANYbody of ANY religious path has, the MIND, to think about what you want to do and how you're going to do it. Yes, think, think and rethink whether you want to be a Witch, the Archdruid of Kansas City, the Dahli Lamma or the Pope. Allow neither substance nor emotion to impair your mind for while the line between the psychic and the psychotic may be fine, the psychic can always come back to this world. The psychotic can not. Thinking never hurt anybody, but a failure to think often has.

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Re: Rethink????/Black_Wolf04:20:43 04/03/03 Thu

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