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Date Posted: 18:59:59 01/06/06 Fri
Author: C
Subject: There was a new pirate movie? I must have missed that one. I want to go and see King Kong--maybe on Sunday I'll get to that one. I can tell you that Syriana is really all about oil and had very little to hold my interest. I fell asleep for a bit of it. Woke up right in time for the torture scene.
In reply to: Luoodles who saw her first (and probably last) movie of the year already. Narnia. Oh.. wait! Acutally I want to go see the new Pirate movie. 's message, "Hey! We need some new movie reviews. C, why don't you and the hammock girl go out and watch some movies and let us know which ones are any good." on 23:22:45 01/05/06 Thu

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[> I saw a couple of good movies recently. "Brokeback Mountain" was amazing in the way this touchy subject was handled, so much so that, to me, it was more about an intense love that came at the wrong time, but wouldn't leave the couple alone, than it was about "gay love". I also saw "Walk the Line" which was much better than I expected. I still need to see King Kong, but haven't had 3½+ hours to devote to the expedition just yet. I also just saw "Beowulf & Grendel" starring Gerard Butler and thought that while the scenery and cinematography were amazing, the movie was too confusing for my brain to absorb. -- KatRose, 13:51:52 01/09/06 Mon [1]

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[> [> I had heard that they were doing Beowulf, but haven't seen anything about it. It must not be running in our movie circle out here. I also want to see King Kong but am having the same problem--that and my movie buddy isn't really dying to see it, but she'll go because I want to go. I hate to make her sit through it. Maybe this weekend, with the day off! -- C, 17:34:08 01/09/06 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> There are actually a couple of versions going on right now. The one I saw was done in Iceland by a Canadian company with UK and Icelandic money. It hasn't found a US distributor yet. That's the one that stars Gerard Butler. There's another one, set to open 2007, that Warner Bros and Paramount are joint producing. That one stars Ray Winstone as Beowulf and Crispin Glover as Grendel with Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie and John Malovich doing their part. -- KatRose, 20:47:52 01/09/06 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> [> OOps, forgot to add that this is supposed to a motion capture type of film (sorta like Polar Express). -- KatRose, 20:49:35 01/09/06 Mon [1]

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[> [> This isn't directed at Kat of course, but the movie. I'm sorry, but the phrase "gag me w/ a spoon" comes to mind over Brokeback Mountain. I don't care how technically beautimus it might be. The thought of this mess on the big screen being touted as a must see makes me want to lose my lunch. I can tell you I would be more then a little irritated walking into that movie w/ no beforehand knowledge thinking I was going to see a cowboy movie. Two cowboys going at it in the hay .... Good golly. But... I suppose I don't have to see it, then, do I. The Pirate movie I mentioned was the upcoming Pirates of the Carribean sequel. Don't know much about it, but the previews looked fun. -- Luoodles who loves Cowboy movies. What a bummer., 14:28:15 01/11/06 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> The Johnny Cash movie... I don't know. I like country music but was never a big fan of Johnny Cash. I like Juaquin (SPELL?????) Pheonix (SPEELLL???) though. He really seems to have gotten the part down. -- Luoodles, 14:29:39 01/11/06 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> [> I'd actually like to see King Kong if for no other reason then who directed it.... BUT... LOL!!! It's so SAD!!! I mean.. I feel so bad for the MONKEY! LOL! I'm just guessing it's like the original... but... doesn't he at the end fall off the Empire State building? Poor monkey. -- Luoodles channeling Jane Goodall! LOL!, 14:31:33 01/11/06 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> [> Yeah, Joaquin really nailed the role of Johnny Cash. I wasn't a JC fan beforehand and can't really say I'm one now, but I'm glad I saw the film. Oh, and Luoodles, have you see the latest trailer for Pirates 2? I canNOT wait to see this film. I'm supposed to go to Colorado Springs to take my best friend's kids to see it opening weekend (I promised when we went to see the first one the last time I went to visit). -- KatRose, 20:41:32 01/14/06 Sat [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> O.k. Who wants to sign up to be Kat's neice? Would it help if I walked around on my knees and held a lollypop? -- Luoodles who also read you would be handing out goodies at some awards show. Cool!, 22:38:54 01/18/06 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> I'm with you Lu, on Brokeback Mountain. I really don't care to see it, no matter how awesome it is or critically acclaimed. I absolutely LOVE a good cowboy movie, but I prefer the stereotypical ones -- Good guys wear white hats, bad guys wear black, Good beats bad everytime, and they do it riding some of the most beautiful animals in the world, amid the most spectacular scenery in the world. That's not to say that things like Brokeback Mountain didn't occur, I just don't care to see in Panaramic Technicolor, 5 feet tall. -- Texasbrat Where have all the cowboys gone., 09:37:04 01/12/06 Thu [1]

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[> [> [> [> I think one would be hard-pressed to think this movie was just a cowboy movie, given all the hype and noise that's gone on about it. If you're turned off or offended by gay folks, then by all means, don't watch the movie. But if you have any desire to understand people not like yourself, to gain some respect for the trial others go through or want to try to be open to others, no matter what their lifestyle, then see it. -- KatRose, 20:39:28 01/14/06 Sat [1]

I know the "gayness" of Brokeback is a tough sell for many and has caused it to be pulled from at least one theather, but to limit ourselves to only movies that mirror our own thinking, can leave a big hole in our understanding of other people. I'm not trying to convince anyone to see this or any other movie, just giving a little food for thought. I'm not sure I could watch Brokeback again, but I'm very glad I saw it (just like I can't watch Schlinder's List or Searching for Private Ryan).

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[> [> [> [> [> I reread what I wrote and realize it could come off as rather snippy. It wasn't meant to, and if anyone was offended I apologize. What I was trying to say is that if we all opened our hearts a little to stories of people that aren't like ourselves (religiously, politically, intellectually, emotionally), then we might gain a better understanding and tolerance for each other. That's all. -- KatRose, 12:06:14 01/15/06 Sun [1]

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[> [> [> I figured out later you were talking about Pirates of the Carribean, out this summer--I was too lazy to type it out! -- C, 18:24:22 01/12/06 Thu [1]

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