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Date Posted: Wed, Aug 09 2006, 2:59pm PDT
Author: Portia
Subject: She grinned gently as he came over, shrugging her delicate bare shoulders gently "My agency make us come... I don;t normally but its a charity event so..." She scrunches her nose a little as if she knew her explanation was vague. "I'm a model" She added, realising she'd never gotten into what she did with him. She let a hand pass over her torso almost self consciously as he complemented her, smiling gratefully "Thank you...You look great too..." She felt almost awkward here with him. She normally had Leo there to hide behind, to give her something to talk about with him, to keep her from thinking about the growing crush she had on him. "I hate these things..." she confessed quietly "I always feel so guilty being here and leaving Leo home... and everyone is so fake and pretentious" She all but whispered, casting a glance over her shoulder to the lip-servicing lot indoors.
In reply to: Portia 's message, "I can be that Woman" on Wed, Aug 09 2006, 2:00pm PDT

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  • "I should have figured..." He murmured lightly, in reference to her being a model. His brow furrowed a touch, running his hand down his face as he let out a soft breath and then laughed at her hushed voice as if she was telling him a secret. "It's good for you to get away from the kid every once in awhile...I take my niece and nephew all the time so my sister can get a few minutes to herself..." He smiled a little, watching her. "Most girls would like getting all dressed up and having a night out schmoozing...but I agree...the people do tend to be a little 'better than thou' with their attitudes..." (NT) -- Kier, Wed, Aug 09 2006, 3:12pm PDT

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