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Date Posted: Sun, Aug 13 2006, 1:20pm PDT
Author: Kier
Subject: He smirked at that, nodding as he dropped down to sit on the edge of the fountain, his elbows resting on his knee's as he gazed up at her. "Yeah, I think you are probably right about that, they are a shallow group, aren't they? Even though they are supposed to be here for charity, they are really here just to help themselves to free food and a round of social roulette." He smirked lightly, shrugging his huge shoulders again before he shifted to tug off his suit jacket, looking over at her for a moment. Quietly, he stood, heading over to drape the jacket over her shoulders - seeing the way she rubbed her arms - before he sat back down without any ceremony or words.
In reply to: Portia 's message, "I can be that Woman" on Wed, Aug 09 2006, 2:00pm PDT

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  • Portia accepted the jacket with a smile, drawing it over her shoulders a little more and glancing over to him with a gentle smile "Thank you" Kier was a good guy- no matter what he though... and they were rare to find from Portia's experience. He was an eligable catch, and she'd envy the lucky girl when he finally found her and decided to settle down. "So how do you expect to find the woman you want to marry if you don't do the social thing?" She grinned playfully. She'd resolved herself some time ago that Leo came first and any hope she had of romance was probably long gone. Moms weren't exactly the top of every guys priority list. (NT) -- Portia, Sun, Aug 13 2006, 2:16pm PDT

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