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Date Posted: Tue, Aug 15 2006, 10:36am PDT
Author: Kier
Subject: "Nah, just makes you a good mom." He stated honestly, looking over at her before he looked back up to the sky, absently making a half hearted wish in his head before he looked back to her once again. "Who watches him when you go out like this? Your family really helpful?" It helped to have an involved family, that was for sure. "His dad doesn't see him to often?" That was sad to him, at least Kai had stepped up to his responsibilites and was now a father to both of his children. He was actually doing well for his sister and that made Kier happy, meant he didn't have to kick anyone's ass at least.
In reply to: Portia 's message, "I can be that Woman" on Wed, Aug 09 2006, 2:00pm PDT

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  • She smiled and nodded at his question about her family, casting him a soft glance "yeah... my sister watches him from time to time and my brother is great... he has a little girl and they love each other... But we have a nanny ... she's real nice with him..." Though there was a note of regret in her voice - she hated that Maria spent more time with her son than she did some days- but she was a working mom and she was supporting them both herself- Adam was in college so he couldnt afford to give them anything- and she didn;t ask. "His dad see's him when he can... Used to be more... but his ex girlfriends back on the scene and she feels 'wierd' about Adam being a father... and she doesn;t like me... So he doesn't see Leo as much..." She shrugged a touch and looked to Kier, offering a smile. Adam was immature... and while he loved Leo, she knew he loved Kendell too. (NT) -- Portia, Tue, Aug 15 2006, 1:49pm PDT

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