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Date Posted: Tue, Aug 15 2006, 4:44pm PDT
Author: Portia
Subject: She lifted her gaze to him softly and smiled almost sadly "It takes two." She was to blame as much as Adam was... "Maybe I should have been more careful who I slept around with." She spoke softly, and couldn;t quite meet his gaze. She was bu no means the innocent party in this. She had been young and cocky and stupid and while she regretted her behaviour she couldn't regret the result. Her son was her life, and Adam would mature and realise that too - hopefully before it was too late. Portia stood slowly, feeling that perhaps her company was getting stale for Kier, smiling appologetically at him as she made to remove his jacket and hand it back to him "I should let you get back to the party..." She didn;t want him cursing her name later on for keeping him away from those models he was so enamoured with.
In reply to: Portia 's message, "I can be that Woman" on Wed, Aug 09 2006, 2:00pm PDT

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  • He really did have a way with putting his foot in his mouth and for a moment he was confused as to what was making her basically tell him to take a hike. Suddenly he realized how she had taken his comment and he shook his head, lifting his hand to take two fingers and place them under her chin, tipping it up so he could look at her in the eyes. "I am no picture of perfect behavior either, sweetheart, I am just saying you are more mature than most for owning up to consequences and responsabilities. "I respect that a lot, a lot of people I know just don't know how to deal with the fallout of the choices they make..." He shrugged a little again, dropping his hand. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to insult you or anything..." (NT) -- Kier, Tue, Aug 15 2006, 4:52pm PDT

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