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Date Posted: Sun, Oct 29 2006, 11:12pm PST
Author: Ethan
Subject: "Baby, I'll buy you slippers if that's what you want..." He promised her, and then smirked a little again - the strawberry was pretty predictable, it was just getting interesting to see what her various combinations were. He kissed her cheek in turn and swatted shamelessly at her backside as she departed before heading over to the counter to order her 'something with strawberry kiwi'. He had no where else to be that day except with her, so it was a nice, somewhat foreign feeling, to be able to ignore any sort of schedule and just do things at their own pace. One her drink was all made up, he returned to the table to wait for her so they could get going.
In reply to: Ethan 's message, "
I don't shine if you don't shine
on Sun, Oct 29 2006, 9:38pm PST

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  • Having to pee all the time was kind of annoying but she was getting used to it. She came back out with a smile still on her face as she took the drink and then picked up her messenger bag, slinging it over her shoulder. Her brow raised as she took a long drink and then she grinned mischeviously. "I am suprised neither of us is whining for a nap yet." She stated, they had woken earlier than usual thanks to her feeling a bit frisky and him always willing to please. She grinned brightly, lovingly, her eyes up on him adoring. They had found out the day before about them having a little girl and it had gotten her all sorts of excited about getting baby clothes... (NT) -- Emily, Sun, Oct 29 2006, 11:33pm PST

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