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Date Posted: Sun, Nov 12 2006, 9:00pm PST
Author: Ethan
Subject: A soft laugh caught in his throat as she drew back sheepishly, and with her face ducked in his chest, he shamelessly winked at the disapproving mother - not totally disrespectfully, just teasingly. His hand in her hair gently squeezed the base of her neck and then slipped down her back to rest low on her hip. He smiled at the way the gentle swell of her stomach - where just a few weeks ago there had been nothing - brushed his abdomen, and he gently set her bags down on the ground next to them so that his second hand could travel slowly up and down her back. Besides the overly-sensitive mother of two, they were in a pretty quiet area of a pretty quiet store on a pretty quiet day - he didn't mind letting her take a moment or two to let things sink in.
In reply to: Ethan 's message, "
I don't shine if you don't shine
on Sun, Oct 29 2006, 9:38pm PST

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  • She let out a soft breath when she felt his arms go around her and her eyes closed a little tighter. A few moments later she looked up, her blue eyes bright as she gazed at him. "Wanna go home now?" It really was going to be home, too, their home, not just hers and his when he was there. There house was going to be a home for their family, her, him, the baby and Spartey and Sheba. Her heart swelled within her chest and she let out a soft breath, happiness radiating off of her as she twisted her fingers in his shirt and then slid down to push his shirt up just a bit so her fingers could slip under and brush over his skin. (NT) -- Emily, Sun, Nov 12 2006, 9:34pm PST

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