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Date Posted: Tue, Dec 12 2006, 2:34pm PST
Author: Andre
Subject: He nodded in agreement- he'd spent a good deal of time ont he islands and enjoyed the relaxed way of life- it reminded him very much of his sleepy beach town back home. "I love Kuai... I trained for my international there..." he polished off his 'fries' and drained his glass, tipping it to the waitress for another. "So what'd you wanna talk about? just a catch up or what?"
In reply to: Aislinn 's message, "You know it's just too little too late.." on Wed, Dec 06 2006, 1:26pm PST

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  • She shrugged a little, self conciously - what had she hoped to accomplish from this meeting? "I dunno. I just missed you." The next bit was a hard confession to make. "I just know that I need you around.. and I have no idea what I'm doing or why I am having such a hard time with this. I want to be with you and we'll cross bridges when we get to them and if you go to Australia and don't let me follow you, I'll probably die." (NT) -- Ais, Wed, Dec 13 2006, 5:42am PST

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