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Date Posted: 09:33:32 06/26/02 Wed
Author: Avalon
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Subject: .: Toxic :.
In reply to: fate & destiny 's message, ".head.dress." on 02:27:47 06/24/02 Mon

Abrupt start for "fearless" wonderer, slight panic as shadowed orbs peer through shifting fod. Unsettling calm and diffuse glow of sunlight do not put painted one at ease, silent vow to self never again to touch a floating raindrop that seemed to contain a land within it. Hesitant movement, to seek a way back to the cloud from whence she had come only to be intterupted by an unnatural "clink" as hoof landed 'pon something not made of earth. A step back, slow and cautious as dail lowers. Inquisitive sniff as headress is spotted, curiose. Two treasures found in one day? This had to be an omen, and most likely not a positive one. This place made her skin crawl, but she would risk it, carefully gripping headress in velvet lips to carry it away and hopefully find the "bubble" that led home.....

(*Crosses fingers*)

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