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Subject: D-block. Home sweet home.

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Date Posted: 20:08:01 08/17/04 Tue

ooc: oops, I just saw money, and Zokujin, my bad! =0P
Apadrino walked into D-block, and the children there began screaming. Only their screams were those of joy. They followed him as he went around his neighborhood giving money to those that needed it.
"Mrs. Robinson, use this to take care of your sick grand mother." He said as he put an already counted roll of Nőritsu in her hands.
"Thank you Apadrino, a thousand blessings on you." The lady said as she smiled. She invited him in for coffee, but knew that he wouldn't accept, he had many other people to see.
"Mr. Taylor, I know it's been a rough year, don't be prideful. We can keep a tab, and you'll pay me back if it makes you feel better." He had to force the money into the poor mans hands. He had lost his job several months ago, and his family had seen much trouble. Money was tight, but the Taylor family does not beg. Until now.
"Thank you Apadrino. And yes, I will pay you back." The man hung his head as he hid the money from his children's sight. Apadrino had one last stop that day. It was to the house of Mary Lou.
He came to the door, and took a deep breath. He knocked silently, hoping that she wouldn't hear. But Mary Lou was right at the door, and opened it immediately. "Hey Aaron!" Mary Lou was the only person in the world that could get away with that.
"Hi Mary. How are you?" Apadrino asked as if he didn't know everything there was to know about Mary Lou.
"I'm as good as I can be, I guess. I interviewed for a few more jobs, but it's hard to land a job when you look like this" Mary Lou pointed at herself, indicating her clothing. She had dressed up for the interview, but nobody outside of D-block would call it dressing up. Mary Lou was incredibly talented. She was an actress, and had even done some model work. In addition to that, she was well educated in the field of biology, and computer science. She just needed a break, and Apadrino wanted to do everything he could to help her.
"Well here, you take this money, and go buy yourself some nice clothes." He gave her some Nőritsu from a seperate bunch roll that he was saving for himself. He then handed her the money that he had put aside for her in the first place.
"Aaron, you're too nice to everyone." Mary Lou put her hands out to hug him, but Apadrino just turned and looked at the kids who were watching, and giggling. They all knew, too.
"I have to go, I've got... to... do... stuff. And things. So I'll see you around, bye!" Apadrino turned, and walked away as fast as he could. Mary Lou stood, staring, confused.
Apadrino now addressed the children who had followed him around. They were in for something nice, aswell. "Allright kids, whatdya say we go grab a bite?!"
"YAH" Was heard through out. As the kids ran after Apadrino as he made his way to the part of Senpaku that wasn't as bad as the rest; uptown. He tried to hide his concern of being stalked with a smile, the kids noticed nothing out of the ordinary.

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Subject Author Date
((Silvara, look up here!))Kaiken Zensen17:45:51 08/18/04 Wed

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