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Subject: The contract

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Date Posted: 20:10:10 08/15/04 Sun

Last call was just 15 minutes ago, but people had already started leaving. Nobody was shocked by Apadrino coming in after last call, everyone knew why he was there. He walked over to the table where G was sitting. He shook G's hand and ordered his usual drink, an intergalactic slider. Although it was after last call, the bartender always made exceptions for Apadrino. Everyone always did.
The two men exchanged the usual small talk that goes on before discussing sensitive business matters, and then G slid a stack of Zokujin's across the table to Apadrino, who thanked G and put the Zokujin's aside. He didn't secure the money, because in the Futsukayoi nobody messed with G, or his business associates.
"Apadrion, I have another job for you. It's from Karlino, a big time dealer on the far side of town. We aren't making a lotta money here, but we're making some good contacts. He's agreed to put some men here to keep the drugs outta your neighborhood."
"G, you know those bastards are only gonna stake the town." Apadrino spoke, and then took a large gulp of his drink.
"Yah, but it'll buy some time, ta you know, get thing together and shit." G spoke as he took a holo-cube out. The image projected was a 3d rendition of a fat alien who had poor fasion sense. "Zul'jin, that fat bastard's moving in on Karl's turf. He comes to town every saturday. Are you free saturday?"
"Yah, I'm free Saturday."
"Good, here's the place he stays, it should be a pretty easy job for you. Karl just wanna talks to him though, so don't rough him up to much."
"Allrite" Apadrino finished the rest of his drink, and walked out. He was headed home. To the part of Senpaku that was lovingly called D-block.

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~Silent watch~Kaiken15:28:37 08/16/04 Mon

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