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Subject: ~Silent watch~

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Date Posted: 15:28:37 08/16/04 Mon
In reply to: Jehan 's message, "The contract" on 20:10:10 08/15/04 Sun

::Kaiken did not pay much attention to the exchange, but she did take note of it from her seat at the bar. She greeted the bartender as she ordered the tavern's special, golden eyes watching the men as they spoke. She knew everyone in these parts...it was her domain. But everyone here seemed to know this man as well. She asked the bartender about it, but he was distracted with another order. So, she sat back and drank::

::As the man left, she too paid for her drink and stood, waiting for a couple of minutes for heading out after him. She was curious. Not many had a reputation in Senpaku, unless they were criminals or theives. And she was the top on the list. If this man was interferring in her ring, she would stop him. So, she followed him in watchful silence::

((The money is not called "Zokujin's." You should probably go re-read the info to see what it is really called. Its under Samples and Others, so it could have been easy to miss.))

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