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Date Posted: 15:58:29 07/15/02 Mon
Author: Subala
Subject: Swadhin is great and the website is gone

I had just read Swadhin's posting on the Sri_Chinmoy_Information website that had returned at last, and i wrote the following message in reply... but it bounced again as the site has again disappeared. The tug-of-war goes on. Pull ! pull ! pull ! and don't fall in the mud !

Anyway, here my message to the great Swami Garyananda :

Great Swadhin,
your ten days in the wilderness did you a lot of good. I just read your very long posting with much joy. I like what you say about forgiveness. Funny, we used to be the ones who had to daily pray for forgiveness (sing Jiban Debata...with folded hands and tears in your eyes...). Who doesn't need God's forgiveness? Now the new thing is that we seem to be in a position to give our forgiveness to our guru (or former guru). I wish all of us can do that. Certainly this is a gesture of the heart which at least makes ones at peace with oneself.
Like you, I will not forget the truly good aspects of my experience on the path, even if the perspective has now unfortunately taken a different turn, which is so difficult to understand and to cope with.
Thank you for your savory humour, your clever mind and your good heart.

and here are some excerpts of his posting :

So, finally, what's it all about? My only conclusion is Forgiveness.

I know many others have much more reason to be angy and hurt,
especially after spending 20 0r 30 or more years of their lives
serving who they now believe to be a false master.

But, friends and brothers and sisters, there are no victims!!!!!!!

We all got and continue to get whatever we "deserve" even if it means
having to have your lower vital "purified" in such a crude and
indefensible (especially if it is not (the method) of one's personal

Easy for me to say, I guess, since Guru ALWAYS treated me with love
an kindness and even wrote a song in my honor, "Swadhin", which makes
it especially PAINFUL to turn against him now, in light of all the
stuff that has come out via this (maybe defunct it seems) website.

But the TRUTH must and WILL win the day!! No greater belief have I
than that.

If Guru wants to call everything we communicate via this network as
nothing more than "lies, lies, all lies," then let him

We all know better. Mutual consent is one thing and sex is no big
deal. But when cloaked in the obvious scam of purifying your vital
and having to strip and do things against your will is both BAD and
WRONG, and personally I don't give a shit what "plane" of existence
you claim to be operating from, Guru and everybody else knows that
the Supreme can't be too happy with forcing somebody to perform
sexual acts against their will and better judgement.

Be that as it may, let's not fall into the trap of judging Guru.
"Vengence is mine, sayeth the Lord" etc. etc.

Let's endeavor to let Guru go from our hearts and minds and let his
seemingly house of undivine cards crumble as it no doubt will at
the "Supreme's choice hour" as CKG himself would probably say.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Let's try to reign in the
vindictiveness as best we can while keeping this forum open so that
we can ALL work through Centre-related upsets, traumas, etc.

We gave Guru all power (aka "unconditional surrender)and now we take
it back and place it where it belongs: withing ourselves, or rather
with the very God who lives and dwells within each and every one of

To those in the Centre who don't have the divine balls to speak up
and address some or all of the issues that have been brought up on
this website my pity goes out to you. Do you serve your Guru or do
you serve the Truth? I know you believe they are one in the same,
but unfortunately, as has been made abundantly clear, this is NOT the
case as far as CKG and his "Worldwide Mission" is concerned.

Can nobody say anything without risking getting thrown out of the
Centre? Trust me, it might the best thing that has happened to you
in 30 years!!

There is a Buddhist statement (I'll leave out the context) that
goes, "Are you here for the food or are you here for the Dharma?"

Disciples, are you there (in the Centre) because it affords you a
descent lifestyle or are you after the Truth? You have to make up
your mind at some point or what's the value of being called, and
considering yourself to be a seeker?

As I have said, and will always say, the love I felt for Guru will
never be duplicated (please don't forward this email to my wife!!!!).

Never-the-less, Truth overides EVERYTHING. If you want to play the
game of "good boy, good girl" the rest of your life then fine, that's
your decision. But if you have any spiritual chops whatsoever you
will make a reasoned and evenhanded investigation of the allegations
that have been posted on this website (that is, if it is still

Guru plays, obviously, and by his own admission ("this is not a
democracy" he has said more than once), by his rules and his rules
alone. Of course he invokes the Ultimate Authority of the Supreme,
who for some unfathomable reason, seems to "change his mind" now and
then when it seems to support Guru's agenda.

For better or worse ("fortunately or unfortunately" as CKG would say),
the can of undivine worms, has, like Pandora's box, been open wide
and won't be shut, even if Guru's minions manage to sabotage this and
other websites devoted to Ex-Disciple dialoge.

The Truth will prevail and Guru no doubt be exposed for what he is:
just another guy!! A guy, no doubt, with charisma, plenty of
spiritual "juice" and who knows what else, but ultimately just
another guy playing the Avatar of the Age game.

To all those who suffer and continue to suffer b/c they have gotten
the shitty end of the heavenly stick, I feel very badly for and hope
this healing process will be speedy and efficient.

To those who are just plainly pissed off and want to see CKG go down
in flames, I would say, please hold off and reconsider.

Once again, there are no victims. Everybody's karma I'm sure is
being played out just as it should be.

Don't forget, necessarily, but definitely FORGIVE!!!

Though CKG could probably care less, I withdraw what modicum of Love
Devotion and Surrender I had for him and place at his "lotus feet
eet" all divine forgiveness. He can say, "Dsh, Dsh, dsh, or oy, oy,
oy," he wants to, but the forgiveness is there none-the-less.

Forgiveness is liberation.

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