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Date Posted: 14:12:09 08/12/02 Mon
Author: Bongo
Subject: Recant

As much as you would like it to be otherwise, and as much as many of us would also like it to be otherwise, the truth cannot be recanted. People contributing here no longer have to cover anything up or lie. Now that we are not disciples, we can look into things with freedom and openness. We can question and we can investigate and unfortunately for the "poor aging holy man" the questioning and investigation are showing him up to have always been manipulative and deceptive. Of course, words cannot hurt a true holy person. A true spiritual master would ride above words, especially if they were false. If the poor aging holy man is feeling tortured, it is because he knows his karma has come to claim its inevitable price. Karma belongs to the individual and must be played out. Others who have a connection with the person may unwittingly become instruments of the karmic forces, but otherwise cannot really have any impact that is not the universal rebalancing of things. Former disciples are not out to get revenge or just to maliciously slander your guru. It might seem like that, but people are simply and truthfully telling of their experiences because they feel a need to. It is a wonderful thing after living a life of censorship, to be able to speak out about what we think and feel. This world is sensitive to individual freedoms and social justice issues. When there is perceived to be wrong-doing, especially in the name of spirituality, there is very little room for compromise. If you let go of your indoctrination enough to read through the yahoo message board with a normal degree of discrimination, you could not possibly continue to support the idea that the poor aging man is particularly holy.

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