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Date Posted: 00:56:07 08/15/02 Thu
Author: Realitycheck
Subject: Thoughts on recanting

Like quite a few others who have left the cloying confines of the SCC, I have continued to search for truth in the various spiritual paths available. One thing I have realised is that they are all just structures to work within. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses and in all of them one finds some power hungry people keen to exploit the goodwill of innocent seekers.
While I do not choose to belong to any religion or group, my examination of Buddhism shows that one of its great strengths is the basic requirement that one question the teaching from every angle. To cling to belief or viewpoint is seen to be at best immature and at worst delusory.
The Buddhist definition of enlightenment is freedom from all psychological suffering or torment due to the complete relinquishment of desire, aversion and delusion. Equanimity is considered to be the highest fruit of wisdom.
I found this little poem which puts it in a nutshell.

"One who understands the voidness of everything is not
captivated by worldly dharmas because he (or she)does not lean on them.
When he gains something he does not rejoice.
When he does not gain it he is not depressed.
Fame does not make him proud.
Lack of fame does not depress him.
Blame does not provoke him.
Praise does not win him over.
Pleasure does not attract him.
Pain does not repel him.
So one who understands the emptiness of everything has no likes or dislikes. For he knows that that which he likes is just empty and he sees it as just empty"

I cannot imagine anyone who fits this description less than the "aging holy man". My personal observation over many years was of someone addicted to name and fame, and to pleasure and comfort; someone who had the utmost aversion to pain or criticism. His squandering of vasts amounts of his followers hard earned and generously given money on expensive vacations for himself and his inner circle not to mention paying for the sexual favours of his victims, is one of many spiritually and morally reprehensible acts which must be expiated.

One belief I do have is in the law of karma which brings us the appropriate results of our actions. Therefore I suggest to Sri Chinmoy that this might be a good time to publicly confess his (no longer) secret life, because sincere contrition can go a long way towards balancing his hugh karmic debt. It might be less painful for him to start facing it now than to be relegated to a very unpleasant realm upon his departure from the body.

PS to Claudia. Recant is a rather medieval word having overtones of the Inquisition. It might be appropriate to remind you that you are the one in the cult, trying to achieve a rather uncomfortable fit with our society. We on the other hand are enjoying the freedom of thought and speech which is our birthright.

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