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Date Posted: 12:33:42 08/13/02 Tue
Author: Paul Strom
Subject: Recant...what?

Are you familiar with the story of The Crucible? In essence it is a story of a person put into the position of choosing between the spiritual authority in his life that he has great love and respect for, and the truth of his own life and heart, because circumstances beyond his control have been visited upon him that that make reconciling those two things impossible. If he follows his heart and the truth of his own life, he will lose his community, his friends, and, because of the intense beliefs of the others in community he lives in, probably his life. If he chooses to obey the edicts of the spiritual authority, he will become truly lost, separated from the divine inside his own heart, and make an enemy of his own soul, his own heart and his own life.

You are fortunate, Claudia, that you do not find yourself in this circumstance. It is the greatest spiritual trial a human being can face. It is at that point, and that point alone, where you must ask yourself "who do I trust, the god I see outside me or the one I feel inside me?" and the stakes of your answer are very much your own life.

Anyone who has not gone through that trial has nothing useful to add to this discussion. You are speculating about things of which you have no experience, based upon beliefs that have not been tested in the fire of the crucible, where either choice results in death.

Have you already recanted something? Have you made, not the life/death choice, but the death/death choice, and come through that? Can you speak to that, for yourself? People here are speaking the truth of their own lives, which some others find threatening. If your life is transparent, and not based on assumptions of truth that are unreal, what is the danger of hearing anothers truth?


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