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Date Posted: 18:48:27 07/08/02 Mon
Author: Parapaz
Subject: Re: The indian deceiver - answer to ThruthNow
In reply to: TruthNow/Sammukh/James 's message, "Re: The indian deceiver - marketer of himself" on 22:41:07 07/06/02 Sat

Yes, indeed the secret sex activities seem to have put the whole thing in a clearer perspective... I mean it answers all the strangeness we noticed and questioned. My god, the Nobel Peace pursue is a crazy egotrip. But I donīt think he will ever get it. I participated of some of those meditations at the tennis court and in the center. Back then I didnīt know about this other side of the story but I never felt that he would get it.

What intrigues me is that I have printed some of the revealing messages of the other forum (yahoo) and gave to other disciples that were close friends to read, and they chose not to believe! They remain in the center. Itīs crazy how deep the brainwash process can afect people... I mean... After reading that, I had no doubts that I could not be involved with this "guru" anymore. I spent some pretty rugh days of stress and disapointment right after my official decision of leaving the center. I am still trying to find my balance, it is a gradual process and it helps to talk to other ex-disciples. So thanks (to all)...
I am amazed of how big of a lesson the "path" became after I left it though. I think that some people specialy older disciples will remain on the "path" just because it will be to scary to face a "normal" life again. The "path" gives a false sence of security. Although many others will leave and we have to be very understanding and try not to judge them by leting them know that it is difficult at first but at the same time life just opens up in front of you and it is better to face the thruth.

>>I agree with your words, Rodrigo. After being
>summarily expelled from the Center, after almost 23
>years, for telling a disciple friend (turned
>informant) about the SCC ie. Secret Sex Club, which I
>found out about from ex-disciple friends, who out of
>respect had withheld this information for some time---
>I also experienced shock, anger, frustration, doubt,
>confusion etc. How could the man who I trusted with my
>life, and to whom I'de devoted half my life, be
>involved in sexual activity, manipulation,
>harrassment, amongst other unspiritual activities? But
>then again, as your last year as a disciple was marked
>with doubts, dissatisfaction, and a sense of
>stagnation--my last 12 years were also plagued by the
>same nagging doubts about the fanatical focus on
>marketing "Sri Chinmoy" to the world, by pestering the
>media, meeting "bigshots", and what I feel takes the
>cake--the Nobel Peace Prize campaign, in which he and
>disciples went to Oslo, Norway, to hold a week long
>Sri Chinmoy Peace Festival, just outside the Nobel
>Institute! Not to mention the two Nobel Peace Prize
>meditations at the tennis court every day for a year,
>to pray for him to win the Nobel Peace Prize! Sri
>Chinmoy only wants disciples that will unthinkingly
>and unquestioningly do his bidding. Once you start to
>think again for yourself, and question his
>motives--you are considered "hostile" a catch-all word
>he uses to garner sympathy from the more loyal, blind
>beleivers. Then you are effectively elliminated from
>his organisation, on those grounds. I was given
>"warnings" twice for asking innocent questions. Eg
>"why should a God-realised master need his disciples
>to help him write poetry"? Instead of being given an
>answer, I was told that if I "critisized Guru again",
>I would have to leave. So whatever happened to
>compassion and understanding? That's all well and good
>if you live your life like a robot, not enquiring, or
>sensitive, but just there as a automatron to accept
>orders, a state which is cleverly labelled
>"surrender". Or even if you are questioning or having
>problems with yourself, or other disciples, which is
>tolerated, but God forbid if it's the master you are
>questioning! How dare you question an "avatar"?
>Anyway, so if you put the sex allegations in the light
>of all the other "cracks" you are discovering in the
>"golden boat", then the whole ugly jigsaw puzzle comes
>together, and unfortunayely the results ain't very
> - TruthNow

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