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Date Posted: 22:17:59 07/08/02 Mon
Author: Genie
Subject: Re: Another CKG Message Board
In reply to: hismastersfootfalls 's message, "Another CKG Message Board" on 14:26:26 07/07/02 Sun

>We have started another message board for anyone who
>wants to join in, the URL is:
>We beleive it to be a "safe" board.
My humble suggestion? Start a whole bunch more of the message forums. That way it will give the PR team something else to do instead of propagandizing an anti-social crack pot with a bad attitude.
Save all the posts off-line and simply repost them to the new forum/message board if the site is shut down.
I just read the story from the woman who Chinmoy (not guru to me anymore) told how to negatively attack someone via their photograph. How he had people meditating around the clock to HARM someone. That is really creepy, doesn't chinmoy think how it will come back to him? How can he waste people's time and what about their/his karma for doing black magic?
When I first became a disciple I had some spooky thoughts while meditating, like what if this guy is not a holy man but the opposite, a devil. A friend of mine even said that after looking at the Transcendental, "What if this guy is evil?' I think I went into serious denial at that point. I should have trusted my intuition right then and there.
Perhaps now, I think, perhaps any 'bad luck', bad experiences weren't a coincidence but because he had someone doing voo-doo on my pic? Maybe he was vibing into my photo? Is that why he wants everyones photo to get control of their souls? too Spooky.
I fired that concept of God, it doesn't work for me. I am now in the process of reframing my definition of God, holy, spiritual, etc.

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