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Date Posted: 08:26:21 07/15/02 Mon
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Re: Yahoo Boards - disappearance - reappearance
In reply to: Stitch 's message, "Yahoo Boards - disappearance - reappearance" on 05:59:23 07/15/02 Mon

I think Yahoo was influenced by all the emails and I think others who have never been involved with Sri Chinmoy also pitched in and helped out. Many people understand how important free speach is on the Internet.

People who want to creat a more professional looking site should check this out:


Sri Chinmoy is not a real master, because a real master would not seek fame or have people working around the clock so that he will gain noteriety. This idea that he will somehow influence the world and bring about world peace or make a change in the world consciousness by getting him prizes, honorary degrees, press coverage, photos with famous people, and lift heavy weights is so bizarre that is does not even deserve a comment. It is easy and obvious for an outsider to see that the main aim of this master is to promote his own name. The poor disciples work so hard and don't always realize that the name SRI CHINMOY is always shining through in bold letters on any project they work on. Poor souls.

Putting up a professional website would make a more solid impact on the reader. It takes time, but I hope one of you does it. Also backing up the messages on the Yahoo group is not a bad idea at all. Some guy mentioned a utility that would do it.

Sri Chinmoy has taken an old tradition, an eastern philosophy, perverted it and then resold it to his disciples claiming that he has invented real spirituality. He does not give credit where it is due. He is just another disciple himself who likes the idea of power and money. He may think he is helping people but he really is hurting people while he is helping.

There is truth in the philosophy that he has ripped off from his old ashram, but he perverts and destroys spirituality around him by his enjoyment of the ego and vital energy. Why do you think he is so consumed by talking about the vital. Look at him. Sleeping with his disciples and dressing in tight cloths (not a vedic tradition) and lifting weights to gain attention. This man is insane and no one has the right to call him a real master. He is hurting the name of India.

>Has anyone received an explanation from Yahoo
>regarding the disappearance and reappearance of the
>Yahoo Group?
>It would be informative to know what they based their
>decision on to re-instate the message boards. I
>wonder if they received many e-mails from
>ex-disciples?? I know that I sent them an email? How
>many of you sent e-mails?
>Peace -

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