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Date Posted: 12:27:19 05/13/18 Sun
Author: F-refer
Subject: Re: Another one
In reply to: F-refer 's message, "Whilst on the subject - McCormack" on 16:11:30 08/03/17 Thu


When playing happy families
You'll rarely find a pack like these -
For when a life of ease is planned
The devil deals a rotten hand.
Mr Trulove, as his name
Implies, is virtuous, the same
Applies to Ann his daughter, who
Forever to her love is true
Tom Rakewell is Ann Trulove's beau
He'd rather play than work and so
He's happy when Nick Shadow comes
To improve his leisure optimums
Tom and Nick go up to town
Through morally the path is down
Respects to Mother Goose are paid
It isn't long before Tom's laid
Tom's not content and Nick, still shady,
Suggests to him a Bearded Lady
Could make him happy, so the berk
Soon weds the dame, Baba, the Turk,
But Baba brings no joy - she prattles
About her great heirlooms and chattels
Till Tom decides he just can't hack her
And with his wig decides to gag her
Now Selleck, who's an auctioneer,
Comes by to sell off Tom's old gear
Baba sits quite still, and so,
It seems she too will have to go
She's almost under Selleck's hammer
When he decides to end the clamour
Of the crowd, and takes her gag:
At once her tongue begins to wag.
It seems a boon for Tom when she
Decides that showbiz calls, and he
Is duly happy for the chance
To find, with Ann, renewed romance
But at the graveyard Nick discloses
His true identity, and shows his
Winning card - he wants Tom's soul
It seems Tom's in a hellish hole
Tom says that he'll negotiate -
A game of cards to seal Tom's fate -
Tom wins. But Nick contrives to send
His hapless victim round the bend
In Bedlam Tom must sit and rave
Ann comes to see him - she's so brave!
At last she gets him into bed
He sleeps, he wakes, he drops down dead.
The moral's finally rubbed in:
To want a life of ease is sin
You can't outbid the devil's call
The Protestant Work Ethic's all!

So, as you can see I actually memorized that one properly. But did I remember the name of the author? You say it...
So - what I want to know is - does anyone else know the name of the author?

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