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Subject: Customisation is the new Lesbianism

Salmon Canyon
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Date Posted: 15:56:10 02/19/03 Wed

Alright dudes, i'm semi back from my sabatical with dod (overdosed a bit and got sick of it). However upon return i've completely customised everything and that seems to have rekindled interest. anyway for those not in the know/cant be arsed to look here are some links -

http://pokemart.dodhq.net/ -this place will have all the bits you need to customise just about everything. at the very least i recomend Devin_Kryss SS Pack, the models are of very high quality. Really, any model replacement you need go here first cos chances are they'll have it.

http://dod.goe.net/vk-clan/news/news.php -these boys are the european custom map kings. They run 3 servers (IP's on page) which are fully stated (i think i'm 180th so far but my mad skillz are rusty) and some of the custom maps are far superior to the standard ones. Anyway here is where i spend my DoD time.

http://www.kustomkettle.com -probably the most well known custom map servers but they are in america so broadband only kids.

http://www.dodmaps.com -self explanitary really but this will have all the maps you could need to get on those servers.

Just remeber kids if you change your models back everything up, reason being if we do ever get into a competition some people ban custom models.



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[> Subject: Re: Customisation is the new Lesbianism

Haddock Pastie
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Date Posted: 22:15:30 02/19/03 Wed

I can vouch for the models. They r0x0rs. I'm, pleased I thought of them....

Those allied ones we are running are pretty cool too.

"Fully stated" - you illeterate Salmon, bet you wish you'd listened to your mam and stayed on at school, you country bumpkin. Statted you amateur.

Back March 10th. Laters.

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