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Date Posted: 19:24:20 08/07/02 Wed
Author: Sabine Dulmare
Subject: Re: .wild.magic.
In reply to: Dith Wra 's message, "Dying Breath" on 16:28:21 08/07/02 Wed

before his soul can pass from this realm to the next, a force yanks him back into his body, tieing the soul to the dead vessel...Sabine sinks away from her sister, brow knitted in concentration as she focuses her energy into his body, using the powers of earth[what his body is made of], fire[blood], air[lungs brain etc], and water[body] to bring the dead, yet not dead body back to life, forcing the heart to beat and the lungs to suck in air...she looks to reith, some knowing thought passing between them as fades into darkness...

Reith nods and sprints to the king, placing his hands on his chest before shoving a tube down his lungs and pumping the blood down as he scatters uncharged amethyst around him, drawing the sickness into the stones...now..the body is healthy...for the most part..it will live..but only if Dith wishes..

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