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Date Posted: 11:41:22 08/12/02 Mon
Author: Adrian Foxx
Subject: Re:.life.is.life.
In reply to: Skaroe Falke 's message, "Re: life.is.gone." on 11:36:40 08/12/02 Mon

He blinks as the song-like chant is whispered into his mind, hten chuckles, smiling at Skaroe.

"I've really got to make a way to keep my thoughts private... Hehe. Thank you, Skaroe. But I'll have you know... The planet was a wasteland before we came. The water is greenish and poisonous, the rain is foul, both suns glare harshly through the greenish sky.. All because of the Hive, the Xenomorph infestation. They're the ultimate perversion of life... It's sad, but the higher-ups, or rather, one specific one, demanded that we set up a base to observe the Hive, due to it's recent dormancy."

He shrugs calmly, sipping some more of his wine, then leans back and tilts his head up, thinking.

"We also found ruins there, of a superior race... Pilots, we call them. We've come to believe that the Xenomorphs there were bred by these beings, but they were over-run, like every one of our facilities that attempted the same thing..."

Another shrug graces his shoulders, and he smiles.

"But that's all in the pa-- ... Heh... The future. This is more of a place to my liking, where the air is clean, the sky is blue, and the water is fresh, not poisonous."

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