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Date Posted: 23:18:15 09/21/02 Sat
Author: Adrian Foxx
Subject: Alone is okay..
In reply to: .squeakers. 's message, "Re: .or.not." on 15:06:57 09/21/02 Sat

Adrian stops, not turning around as Dith speaks, then looks to his side as Skaroe's words are heard. Heard, but not listened to. He shakes his head, then lifts it, looking up into the sky.

"... No. This is something I need to do on my own. A test of honor, I suppose, you could equate it to. It may be stronger than you know, and it can be quite painful if it manages to get past everything you have... Besides. I have nothing to fear but fear itself."

He turns, smiling to them, then nods.

"If I die, I want you to know that you've been the best friends that I ever have known. You, as you are, are the stuff of legends. But while many are useful, many also are stupid, and many also make mistakes. If I survive this encounter, I'll be back, and I'll most likely be here to stay. Do not worry, I'm more resourceful than to let some monster take me down."

He flashes a man-of-the-world smile, then turns abruptly and rushes off, disappearing into the surrounding forestry. Where the Beast travels...

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