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Date Posted: 19:14:56 09/28/02 Sat
Author: Adrian Foxx
Subject: /7 Here we go marching steadily, just going where we may... /7

Adrian wanders quietly through the forest, his weapon unslung and gripped with both hands. The energy flow is cut, of course, so as to not create the blue glow of the chrono weapon. He looks about, miles from the kingdom castle, with the deep of hte night surrounding him. Whipporwills call out, and soft lights, faerie wisps, most likely, flicker about aimlessly. He shivers, reminded of the incandescent insects that thrive near the Xenomorph Hive on LV-1201... He blinks as he hears a snap from infront of him, pressing himself against a tree, looking about.

Pheramones are detected, the synapses of the beast report. The PredAlien stalks about, casually crushing a twig beneath it's massive talons, staring to and fro. It can't see where the pheramones are coming from, with all of these tall, organic things. It detects the odd traces of the surrounding creatures, not registering them entirely. It stops, hissing quietly, peering about. Something is nearby...

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