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Date Posted: 12:03:25 09/29/02 Sun
Author: Adrian Foxx
Subject: Aftermath
In reply to: Griff 's message, "Re: Zippo Chrono Blaster." on 11:57:40 09/29/02 Sun


The head scientist grumbles, looking about.

"Any word? Has it done it's job?"

"Not that I can see, sir... None of the history records show that it existed..."

"Damn that Adrian... He must've erased the re---"

A blue nebula swirls in the op room, in the center of the gathered group of scientists. The head scientist blinks softly, then stares as the Pred-Alien, badly damaged and burning, appears. It turns and stares at him, then growls and pounces, claws rending the man's body to pieces, spilling grey pseudo-blood from every limb nad ligament. The doors refuse to open as scientists flock to them, and soon tehy all meet a similar fate of the synth head scientist, before the beast finally collapses.

Adrian grumbles some as his weapon fizzles, then drops it immediately as it, and the quantum pack, vanish in a puff of blue energy. He sighs softly, glad he didn't get pulled in with the gun, then looks about.

"... Great. Now I really -am- stuck here..."

He sighs, then rushes off after Griff.

"Hey, Sabine!! Wait up!"

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