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Date Posted: 20:06:14 09/13/02 Fri
Author: It starts, yet again.
Subject: Adrian Foxx

Adrian narrows his eyes, beads of sweat flowing over his brow. He breathes calm and easy, his hands working with a precision that is only attained by one of his ilk. His form is stooped over a workbench, in the blacksmith, a large hunk of futuristic-resembling technology on the table before him. He moves his hands smoothely, a small welder gained from his provisions hissing softly as it connects a wire to a circuit board.

"...one more..."

Another hiss is heard, and he soon follows that with a sigh of relief. He stands upright, looking down, then flicks the welder off. He sets it aside, then smiles, shutting a small latch. The piece of technology is a gun, of sorts, with a long, slender 'barrel' and a large center, with an unconnected power conduit made, probably, for hooking into something else. He muses to himself, a feeling of triumph flowing over him as he strokes the weapon.

"There... Now I just gotta hook it up and give it a test run..."

He smiles to himself, then picks up the weapon, hooking the tip of the conduit to his quantum backpack. The weapon hums to life, generating a light blueish glow from the tip of the barrel.

"All's good so far..."

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