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Date Posted: 05:30:33 02/02/03 Sun
Author: anon
Subject: Re: waverly hills
In reply to: basher 's message, "Re: waverly hills" on 17:54:06 02/01/03 Sat

>>why is waverly hills sanatorium not on yourlist of
>>unusual places, i know the owners of the property
>>would like to hear from you for tours etc etc
>I'm doing a school speech on Waverly Hills.
>I first found out about Waverly Hills on a television
>show called Scariest Places on Earth.I would realy
>like to now about room 502.The information I found
>about Waverly said that room 502 there was a nurse
>that hung herself because of all the death around
>her.But on TV it said that one of the sociopathic
>patients hit her in the back of the head with some
>kind of malot.Which is true please right back
> thanx basher
I had heard rumors of the waverly hospital being haunted and i never believed them until i had a personal encounter in 2000. I had been to Waverly many times and walked around the hospital and never seen anything. Then one day myself and two friends were walking around the hospital and went to the third floor. There was a room at one end of the third floor that had a big steel door, we had never been in the room so I kicked the door several times to open it. Enev after I kicked many times the door was only open enough for me to squeeze through, so we went in one at a time and looked around the room. In the room there was a small door that looked similar to a microwave with a big handle next to it. The only thing i can imagine it being used for was to put food into the patients rooms so that the orderlies didnt have to have contact with a patient once they got to be in such bad shape. So i kicked the handle about three or four times to see if the door of the thing woul! d open. It never opened so we walked out of the room. Up to this point i was convinced that everything people had heard and seen up there was their imagination and then something happened that made me a believer. The huge steel door that i had just kicked to get open, and was still just barely open, opened and slammed shut three times once we got into the hallway. All three of us watched as this huge door swung open then shut and repeated this three times. I have not since been into the hospital and honestly have no plans of returning.

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