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Date Posted: 17:05:52 09/05/02 Thu
Author: Sarah
Subject: .Help. (Aleri's Eyes only/Mel)

A tall slim blond girl wals into the stables followed by a black horse. His pelt is wounded in several places and he was covered in mud and flies. The flies were pelting his body with small bites irritatating his skin. THe girl stopped as his head went up in warning. She spoke to him in a soothing voice as she instinctivly went to wipe the flies from his back. She touched his back and went soaring backwards in the a wall. Sarah hummed and hit the wall softly, but as fate wanted it, her head jammed into a nail. A slight scream is emiited and then girl freezes into position, blood now surging from the wound. The black horse , noticing that the girl was hurt, ruan down the stable yard, stopping inches from Aleri. The horse lowered his eyes to hers starind deep into hers. Then he turned towards the girl again. He neighed loudly and then bared his teeth at Aleri. He closed his eyes and then a voice penetrated his thoughts. He opened his mouth to grab Aleri's hand but insteda, drops to the ground. He screams in terror as his body shrinks in size and changes colors. He forms into a slender human and he looks at Aleri. "Girl need your help." He runs down to Sarah and sticks a finger into the blood. "What this?" Then, the orb in Sarah's hands, rises and plants itself into Aleri's Palm. It flickered and then a large beam of light shot out of the necklace. A large white steam rolled out and two pure white figures hurried out of the beam. The first figure stared at Aleri. "We are the protecters of the Orb. We created it, but ended our lives to aid others and keep those of the Royal decent together." The figures flickered slightly and then continued. "We cannot say much, but, a missing member of the familt has been found, but they refuse the Roaylty. Despair will happen in this land because of the Evil in the orb. You have seen several things that may be hard to explain. We are appointing you to Sarah as a Gaurdian, you and Jerat. Watch her, protect her, care for her, and you will be rewarded." The figures left back into the orb. The boy transformed into the horse he was. But, the scars along his pelt were gone, and he had changeed colors. "If you take care of Sarah and I, you will be rewarded with a new arm, and the fall of the present King, the one that hurt you." The horse then rested his muzzle on her arm. "Help Her Aleri. Please."

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