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Date Posted: 12:31:00 06/26/02 Wed
Author: Johnny O
Author Host/IP: AC9BAC8B.ipt.aol.com /
Subject: Various rp's

A few links to some rp's I have written, howver, I do not want to join with any of those characters, but a new character, so if I am accepted lemme know so I can send you the new character information.

Ok, links not woring, here is some cut and paste...

John "Massacre" Bryan

Thru the eyes of a maniac

Time flows. Backwards, forwards, rises and falls. Like a river, like an ocean. Time has shape, it has dimension. Like the face of a lost lover, you can reach out and touch it. Like staring into a body of water, in your mind, like thoughts coming to the surface and then dissapearing into the depths. You never know what's gonna drift up from the darkness, thoughts from yesterdaze gone bye.

I see her face like a ghost. She's not here with me, but she will never be anywhere else but right by my side forever and always. Haunting my thoughts, day or night. Nightmares and daydreams. She will always be there. Not just her face, but all the pain. It's there too. The thought of letting her down. Letting her go. The dissapointment in her eyes. I can't stand it, to see that sadness, that betrayal. I lost her trust, her respect. And now, the blood comes. Like a rocketship exploding through the atmosphere, the weight of a gravity, the gravity of the pain in my head sends the blood rushing through my eyes. My heads not gonna explode, it's gonna disintergrate. My brain is gonna melt.

And then she is gone. The pain is still here but her face sinks back into a watery grave. God only knows when her ghostly visage will float back to the surface of my mind. But I always know she is here, in her watery grave, drowned out in the thoughts like a sea of madness dragging her under.

I'm back. Right here and now. The sickness is still in me. Always was, but now it has center stage. It has a stranglehold on me. It is me. It is what I have become. It has taken my life and left me here, a bloody, sickening, scarecrow. A doll. A puppet.

I have to play out the part. I have to see how this damn story ends. I tried to fight it once but no more. I gave in to thepain, to the disease, to the rotting touch of its skeletal hands. It is me and I am it. Where it takes me, where I end up I don't know. But wherever it is, it's where I deserve to be. Where I belong. Me and the disease. One. I wouldn't miss this for the world.

BTW Tuesday Night Trauma

Johnny Dime: Another great night for pro wrestling ladies and gentlemen, as BTW hits the airwaves once again! As we head toward Southern Hostility 2002 the fans sit at the edges of their seats in anticipation for another great night of wrestling! Coming to the ring, none other then the Night Riders! Tonight, they get a rematch from Monday Night Redemption against a new tag team in BTW, The Cadre! The Night Riders got their proverbial butts kicked on Redemption and are looking for a little pay back! Meanwhile, The Cadre out on one hell of a show, which got them signed for a match at Southern Hostility! They will be taking on one of, if not THE best tag team in BTW history, Feature Presentation!

The bell rings and the match is a total squash as The Cadre run roughshod over the Night Riders. Massacre hits the Lobotomy cradle piledriver on Cussing Cody while Cataclysm connects with the "Tears of Christ" crucifix powerbomb into a turnbuckle on Bobby Bruiser. hey finish off the Night Riders with the Boris Karloff Special powerbomb/top rope blockbuster duoble finisher as Massacre gets the 1-2-3 on Cody. Catacylsm droops his head as he stands over his fallen opponents, looking lonely and outcast, even while surrounded by a good 10,000 fabns. John "Massacre" Bryan climbs the turnbuckle and snarls at the fans. The fans reaction is negative but loud.

Johnny Dime: The Cadre make it two in a row over the Night Riders, as they head into Southern Hostility to face Feature Presentation! We will be right back, don't go anywhere!

First a commercial, them we come back with a backstage segment. Hector Chavez has Massacre and Cataclysm with him.

Hector Chavez:: Massacre and Cataclysm, welcome to Big Time Wrestling. Two matches against the Night Riders, two huge wins. Tell me how you feel.

Massacre: How I feel? Look at me and tell me how I feel Hector Chavez. Do I look happy to you? Do I look excited to you?

Hector Chavez::Well, I uh...

Massacre: This isn't your typical tag team. This isn't your everyday Tom, Dick, and Madman standing here besides you Hector Chavez! So don't ask me how I feel. You wanna ask Cataclysm here how he feels? Boy hasn't spoken since the day I met his ass. He hasn't spoken a god damn word in over 6 years. You wanna ask him how he feels?

Hector Chavez:: Well, no. I uh...

Massacre: Go ahead and ask him.

Hector Chavez:: I... I...

Massacre: I! I! I! Ask him, man!

Hector Chavez::Mr. Cataclysm... err... how do you feel about going up against Feature Presentation at Southern Hostility?

Cataclysm: .... ( doesn't even look at Chavez, just looks down, hair in his eyes, covering his face, expressionless )

Massacre: Like what you hear? Like what you see? I do. I see the truth from inside. Words ain't gotta spoil it. I like what I hear. Silent scream. You understand Hector Chavez?

Hector Chavez::No, not really.

Massacre: You see, it doesn't matter that we destroyed the Night Riders. It don't matter who we face at Southern Hosility. Feature Presentation don't scare me none, they don't impress me none, and they don't intimidate me none. It doesn't matter who we face and it doesn't effect the way I feel neither. One got nothing to do with the other. If I showed up here, and I acted how I felt, you think your ass would be standing here right now?

Hector Chavez:: Probably not.

Massacre: Damn right. So don't ask me how I feel, ever again. Because it doesn't make a difference if I'm feeling like Susy Sunshine or what not, this is business. BUSINESS. I'm a professional, you got me? I don't let personal feelings get in my way in this business, because then we gonna have us a damn problem up in here. If it gets personal, you best be sure, Massacre gonna make it well known. And I'll be bringing Cataclysm along for the ride as well, so your gonna have two ugly suckers with bad attitudes walking up and down these halls, dig?

Hector Chavez:: Understood.

Massacre: You set me off Hector Chavez. Askin' me, how I feel.... Ain't none of your damn business how I feel. There was a time I woulda ripped your head off you come asking me anything, ANYTHING. But them days are gone, those ghosts been locked up. Now, it's not about me. It's not about the madness, the hatred, the anger. It's not about her. It's about proving that The Cad--

Hector Chavez:: Her?

Massacre: Huh?

Hector Chavez::Her? You said her. Who are you talking about?

Massacre: Who am I..? Who the hell are YOU talking about, man?

Hector Chavez::Her, you said "It's not about he--"...

Massacre: Man! Shut the hell up! Stop messin' with my head! You need to recognize suckah! The past is dead and buried! The Cadre come into the BTW with a new mission! GOLD! Matt Moon can set 'em up and we gonna knock 'em down! Night Riders, Feature Presentation, Outlaw and Xtreme Machine, Black Sabbath, one by one we gonna take them all out until we standing on the top of BTW, gold in hand! Next week, Southern Hosility 2002, Feature Presentation gonna understand, gonna FEEL, exactly what Night Riders felt at Redemption and felt right here tonight! I hope them boys are more of a challenge, I hope they bring it, and definitely don't sing it, because The Cadre want a fight! But no matter what, we walkin' out of Hostility with the victory!

Hector Chavez, let it be known brah... The Cadre is here and we don't play! Backstreet, JustNsync, you gots to understand one thing... at Southern Hostility...

It's not gonna be a battle... it's not gonna be a war...


The Shaggy Bar,
Toronto, Canada... a large number of unsavory fellows have surounded Private
Eye Adrian Beretta in a shadowey parking lot.

You eitha pay up Beretta... or I break your friggin' legs, Cha Cha!

Adrian Beretta:
Is that right no-neck?


Adrian Beretta:

Muscle: Yeah!

Adrian Beretta:
I'll tell you what scab face, why don't I rip your head off and vomit down your

Muscle: Screw

Adrian Beretta:
Well, just like Burger King... have it your way!

Action sequence
follows as Adrian Beretta kicks much ass and takes no sass from the bad guys!


Adrian Beretta:
Just like the local bimbos... I leave you all lieing on your backs!

Close up!

Cue music!

Bon Jovi's "Livin'
on a Prayer!"

this spring... he's young... he's hip... he has a pony tail... and sideburns
to match! He's a private dick with all the trimmings! He's...

Beretta... Privately Dicked!

cut! That's a wrap everyone! Nice job Adrian...

Adrian Cuzzi:

Adrian Cuzzi,
on the set of his first TV series, walks over to his personal dressing trailor.

Adrian Cuzzi:
Personal dressing trailor. Only the best for me.

He pops the
door open and slides inside. A couple of make-up people say hello to him as
they exit the vehicle, leaving him alone. Adrian sits down in his leather chair
in front of a large lighted mirror and wipes his face and neck with a towel.

Adrian Cuzzi:
Hey, how ya livin' people? My name is Adrian Cuzzi... "Pop Star"
Adrian Cuzzi to my thousands and soon to be millions of fans world wide. You
just got a glimpse of my new TV series, coming out as soon as they cancel some
of those real crappy shows, like Survivor and 60 Minutes. So keep your eyes
peeled for "Adrian Beretta... Privately Dicked!".

For those of you
who have been living in their parents basement apartment these last few years,
I'm one of the hottest selling acts today. I've got two albums, "Baby I
Miss Lovin' You Up", and "Girl, I'm Lovin' Every Minute of Your Body",
and I have gone platinum with my first two albums in both The Phillipines and
Nova Scotia.

I also speak three
different languages, English, Sandscrit, and Portugese. I love to cook authentic
Egyptian cuisine, I drive a 1996 Coupe Deville, and I breed Bichon Frise dogs.

So there's no doubt
I am and soon will be a huge star. I mean, they don't give you a moniker like
"Pop Star" for nothing, right?

But this isn't
about me... no wait! It IS about me! Ha ha ha!

You can bet your
next high colonic everyone in the CEWL is talking about me, me... and me! CEWL...
Cutting Edge Wrestling League. Up here in Canada, eh? Sounds good right? Well,
no, it doesn't, does it? But hey! If you take a peek at their roster, what do
you see?

Cuzzi puts one
hand on his hip and points to his chest with his thumb with the other hand,
and leans into the camera.

Adrian Cuzzi:
Pop... Star... Adrian... Cuzzi!

Need I say any

Now I can be like
one of these no-class hosers and talk trash about my first two opponents, but
do you really want to hear me talk about a couple of losers you'll never hear
from again?

Wait! Ha ha ha!
That's like a double whammy there. I mean, of course, you wanna hear me talk,
right? Who doesn't? But you sure as heck would rather have me talk about myself
then a couple of nobodies who are going to end up working the local Denny's
for next five years. Am I right? Or am I right?

So I'll tell you
what. Tune into the very first CEWL show to catch a glimpse of Adrian Cuzzi.
"Pop Star" Adrian Cuzzi, that is. Remember that name... hey, wait!
I mean... how could you forget, right? Ha ha ha! Later!


Star" Adrian Cuzzi

this is only a dream, right?! Tell that to them!


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