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Date Posted: 22:04:55 07/17/02 Wed
Author: The Innovator of Violence
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: My second RP

A camera falls upon the gym where The Innovator is working hard.Then a man walks up to Innovator,the Innovator embraces him and shakes his hand.

Innovator,"How ya doing buddy,what brings you here"

Freind,"Well I heard that you are vying for a GWA contract,I just wanted to come down here and say congratualtons and I hope you get it"

Innovator puts two 45lbs dumb bells back on the shelf and looks at his freind.

"Thanx man,I am trying to get into top physical condition,I mean I have done well in the smaller federations,you know,paying my dues,and a step up to GWA would do wonders for one's career.So I have been hitting the gym hard everyday."

Freind,"Well that alway's helps,but man since you are leaving DBW,I am going to have to fend for my self you know"

Innovator,"Yeah,but I will be there if you ever really need me.Besides you won't do that bad kido"
*shakes his freinds head*

Freind,"Well I have to go,great seeing you and I hope you get that contract"

Innovator,"Thanx,been great working with you these past years and I sure will miss you"

The two share a hug and The man walks off.The Innovator turns around and gets ready to do some jumping jacks when teh so-called freind of The Innovator comes and strikes him down.He begins to vicisouly stomp him.He then picks him up an dthrows The Innovator into the wall.The man grabs a chair an dnails Innovator with it busting him wide open.He then uses the chair to ward off the other gym users.He kneels down besides Innovator.

Man,"Nobody quits me,you get that nobody quits me.You will learn what is feels like to be my enemey now."

He goes to hit Innovator with the chair an dnails him right in the head.He throws the chair down and walks off.Innovator is lying there being tended to by gym personal whil EMT's are on their way.

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