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Subject: -.Shame, really.-

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Date Posted: 22:15:37 11/22/03 Sat
In reply to: Reaper of Souls 's message, "[x]not afraid of death, are we?[x]" on 21:34:10 11/22/03 Sat

Poor thing. Shame really. Her theory was terribly flawed. Yes, she was right that an 800 pounder wouldn't be able to climb very high, but an 800 pounder joined with a 650 pounder could snap the tree in half. No need to climb.
Poor, poor, mislead kittenface.
The massive female sat quietly in the foliage. Bah on territories. Her territory was the ten foot radius around her, no matter where she was. A slain doe lay at her feet. It was obvious she had been on her way, but, being the eavesdropper she was, decided to relax a few moments in the dark.

Sweet, sweet child...

Her soft voice droned into the night air. Listening to it was like drowning. Or at least that's what several victims had thought.

Respect the tigers, and we will respect you. I love ocelots, and so do my children. And dear, if you respect me, I will respect you every moment up until I dismember you and toss your writhing torso into the jaws and claws of my starving little boys.

Night time called for mindgames.
Nightshade style.

Deadly Nightshade

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stalking mestalked03:59:10 11/23/03 Sun

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