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Subject: -Us-

The Ghost - The Darkness
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Date Posted: 17:56:53 01/16/04 Fri
In reply to: mirage 's message, "[of what]" on 18:04:34 01/15/04 Thu

Kari: *At the moment has Ghost in a huggable vice grip.* Squishy!

Ghost: *Sighs contently, then looks around and quickly shifts gears.* Uh...I mean, GET AWAY! *Tramples Kari and pulls Darkness away from Tracy.* They're trying to convert us! WE MUST CONSPIRE!

Ghost & Darkness: *Hushed whispering.*

Kari: My pillow! *Looks at Mirage.* You'll do! *Squeezes Mirage.*

The lion merely peered through sunfire yellow eyes at the small kitten (what is she? Is she a lynx? That's what I've always thought her to be?) This time a real growl escaped his mouth, even if he was famished he couldn't attack a kit. A low snort was emitted before the sound of breaking twigs and crunching leaves echoed in the clearing and from behind the feliness the second leo reappeared.
"Does he now? Why are you so sure?"
The leonine who had just emerged spoke. There was nothing cynical or cheeky about his tone, though his facial expression had a sort of mild and bland coy expression to it.

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[no thanks]mirage18:37:58 01/21/04 Wed

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