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Date Posted: 06:26:16 08/27/03 Wed
Author: Lever Surgical Instruments
Subject: Re: Manicure instrument, veterniary instruments, dental instruments
In reply to: Tariq Mughal 's message, "Manicure instrument, veterniary instruments, dental instruments" on 03:36:58 04/07/03 Mon

Dear Customer,

We would like to introduce ourselves as a manufacturers and exporter of
Veterinary, Surgical and Dental Instruments.

We are specialist in Veterinary Instruments. We have installed every
machinery to make quality Products. Our trademark is "QUALITY". At
present many foreign traders have contracted us as manufacturer, and
our products are distributed worldwide. Our dedication to constantly
improving quality is the best assurance to customers. Our Veterinary
Instruments have obtained exclusive patents in the USA, Canada,
Germany, England, France, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Mexico,
Poland, Finland, Spain, Belgium, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Hong
Kong and Singapore.

Kindly go through the literature and let us know your valued comments
if you are interested in our above products. Please don't hesitate to
contact with us should you be interested in our products. You are most
welcome to our reasonably priced products and quality serve. Let speck
to our products when it will be in your hands.

We assure you best quality and on time delivery.

Sincerely yours,

Muhammad Shakil
hief Executive

Lever Surgical Instruments
Jinnah Park, Nargate Street
Colony No. 2
Sialkot 51310 Pakistan.
Tel. +92-432-541031
Fax +92-432-598203

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