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Subject: Bronzia's Bio

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Date Posted: 18:02:55 09/03/06 Sun

Bronzia Bushytail's sister has fate all of her own.She has a reason she's so sarcastic and pestimistic because truth is she's just very angry and sad almost always.**Bushytail puts down the quill and hands it to the waiting Bronzia.**

I was born thirteen seasons ago in a pineforest just beyond the Northwest Mountains.My mother Black Lightning was barely an adult at eighteen and still very wild.She did love Bushytail who was originally named Black Lightning after he,Dark Lily, and I very much though.
When I was two and a half seasons I was kidnapped by vermin and forced into slavery.While I was in the vermin camp I met my first cousin Rowanie.When my mother,my aunt, and a group of Lightnings came to rescue us it turned into a deadly battle.Bushytail who was there ran to save me and brought me to safety recieved a head wound and I also had a head wound both of us blacked out.Meanwhile my mother got bloodwrath and killed as many vermin as possible before she died and so did my aunt.
Eight seasons later after my father had remarried and I had half-brothers the vermin band returned.They murdered my sister Dark Lily who though still a dibbun fought hard to the death as possible.Again me and Bushytail wound up up with head wounds but this time all the vermin died.When Bushytail recovered she sent her to live at Redwall.I took longer to recover because my paws and footpaws had been cut by blades so it took them much longer to heal.When they did I too went to Redwall because my grandmother thought it would be safer.

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