Kodoku (The Withering.)
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Date Posted: 21:46:51 09/02/06 Sat
A cruel word ‘dawn’ can be made out to be. It may seem exciting, the start of a new day, the ‘dawn of happiness’, the dawn of joy. Alas, it can also be a cold, bitter word for some. The dawn of hatred, darkness dawning upon us, a heartless dawn. Kodoku Shoushin found dawn to be the most wretched, horrible word in all language.
And dawn it was. The day Kodoku’s world died.
She was an innocent babe, a fat belly, a pudgy body, but the most frightening orb-like eyes. They could make the dead turn in their graves with a simple, cruel stare. Kodoku was not a hateful, spiteful creature. She was a quiet, shy little otter though, without a care in the world. She learned to read at a small age, and how she loved books now. She carried a rather large one wherever she went. ‘The Sound of Bells’ it was called. Though she started it at a very young age, she was never so sure she could ever finish it. Alas, the book was her least of troubles that dawn.
The sounds of heavy metal footsteps echoed through the house. The door to Kodoku’s room flung open violently, making Kodoku whimper in fear at the beast in the door. He grinned toothlessly down at her, a large sword in his hand. She winced as he dragged her out into the living room, throwing the small babe into her father’s arms. Her mother lay slain by the fireplace. Kodoku’s father turned the small otter’s eyes away.
The beast that currently held the captive destroyed their house, stealing every valuable thing they could find. Luckily, Kodoku’s father had hidden something, putting it somewhere they would never find it, or even dare to go. In Kodoku’s diaper.
The beast left them without money, without food. Kodoku’s father managed to smile through it all. He took the hidden trinket from his daughter’s diaper and washed it off, though it was clean.
It was a necklace, holding a small pendant shaped of a quarter-moon. Kodoku believed it actually was a piece of the moon. She cooed babyishly, reaching up with pudgy hands for the small necklace. Her father smiled down at her, putting the necklace around her throat. Kodoku’s father buried her mother that morning. Kodoku watched with innocent, confused eyes.
“Where’s mommy?” Kodoku asked one day, a day she could speak properly. Her father looked down at her and explained. Kodoku was never the same again. She no longer smiled for no reason, she no longer giggled at silly things.
She lived in solitude. She was quiet, rejected, an outcast. Her father was forever kind to her though. He grew older as the days went by, as did Kodoku. Alas, he couldn’t take care of her any longer.
He sent her to Redwall. The oh-so fabled Redwall. The magical, warm land where every beast was happy.
Kodoku couldn’t have been more miserable. She didn’t want to leave her father, but that’s the way it goes sometimes, you don’t get what you want. But that’s too bad.
Just too bad.
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