Subject: Barra BowBeast: A Bio |
Barra BowBeast
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Date Posted: 23:02:50 11/14/07 Wed
*It's a cold autumn day. Underneath a huge maple tree with red leaves falling, a mottled silver wildcat maid, half-grown, sits wrapped up in her dark purple cloak. On her back is a longbow and quiver full of arrows. She looks at the Dibbuns around her with mysterious, brilliant green eyes. She starts to tell her story...*
"I'm from up north, where tribes of cats like me live. I don't know too much about my family, but here's what I do know. I was born as Barra, but I hardly remember my parents. I don't know who they were, really, even their names. To me they were just Mum and Dad. My favorite thing to do as a cub was to play with my mother's bow and arrows. I remember that. I LOVED that.
"Then, one day, there was smoke on the wind. I remember panic. The cats thought that it smelled like weasles and stoats. That night, there was yowling and fire in our home. Then the Badger Lord came with his hares. I was grabbed by a hare, and, frightened, I screamed for Mum. I remember seeing her surrounded by vermin, bow in paw.
"Then the hares brought me here. I was sad because I missed my parents, but I was really happy to be at Redwall.
"Then, almost a season ago, I started to dream of Martin the Warrior. He came to me while I dreamed that I was sitting in my destroyed home, after the vermin left. He came to me, and I started to cry because I began to remember what awful things the vermin did. But he wrapped this cloak on me and wiped the tears from my whiskers. 'This was your mother's,' he said. 'She was a great archerer, a Queen of Wildcats.' Then, I woke up. But, I was still in this cloak!
"The next night, I dreamed that I was with Martin again. He gave me the bow and arrows that I thought were lost with Mum. 'Learn to use these, little cat. You are Barra BowBeast, daughter of the greatest Wildcat Queen that there has ever been. A few of your loyal cats remain, but they will be hard to find. When you grow older and stronger, you will find them and avenge your family. You will be Empress Barra, one of the greatest archerers and good-hearted wildcats ever seen.'
"So here I am...waiting to grow up!"
*The Dibbuns stare at her, wide-eyed. She smiles back her wildcat grin, late autumn sun catching on her whiskers. She touches the bow and quiver on her back.
"One day," she smiles, "I'll wear a crown and a quiver!"*
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