Firespirit Treewhiffler
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Date Posted: 01:33:04 12/01/07 Sat
I was born just over fifteen seasons ago, way down south in Fernhallow,where it is nearly always warm. I lived with my family in a large forest next to the sea. It was beautiful there.
My mother,Jarra,and her husband,Draken Treewhiffler,were the best climbers and fighters around. It was even said my parents met on a battlefield. They married and had children, but did not retire their bows and deadly slings.
Almost as soon as I could walk, I was given my very own bow and sling. And at nine seasons I was presented with a pair of throwing knives by a Long Patrol general leading his fighters to some unknown place south of even Fernhallow. I spent season after season learning to fight and defend myself. I was taught with great care what plants could heal and feed you and what could harm you. But one of my greatest achievments was learning to hit a small target from a hundred pawsteps away with ease using sling or knives.
You see, my family was part of the Forest Fighters. Well, that's almost a lie. My family weren't just part, but the entire Forest Fighters group besides three others. My eleven brothers and sisters, all older than me, had decided to help my parents, the most famous squirrels in the south, protect the lives of the beasts who lived in the forest from the vermin that put to shore in our area and thought they'd just raid our homes.
As I grew up I tired of the same sights everyday. I wanted more than what everybeast had planned for me. I had heard of the legendary Redwall Abbey in stories shared with me by travelers and longed to see its beauty one day.
I spoke to my parents about my possible leaving to the north when I was just thirteen seasons. But of course, as parents are very protective, they said I was to young to go. We argued very loudly over the matter for over a season. On the day I turned fourteen seasons... I just left.
I set out long before the Forest Fighters' dawn patrol with a full bag of provisions,maps,healing herbs,and my weapons looped onto my belt.
I was sad to leave, and yet, it felt wonderful.It was final,started my quest and there was no looking back. I walked north alone and in silence exept for when I sang to help me keep a pace. The trek was uneventful exept for a few skirmishes with small bands of vermin. After my first fight I realized I needed to keep a training schedule to keep me from getting rusty. I managed to improve quite a bit while training on my own.
Then one day I saw lush forest ahead. Somehow I knew with certainty I had reached Mossflower Woods. I camped beneath an oak that night and dreamed of what would await me the next day when I found the great Redwall.
The next morning I awoke with new energy, ready to face the day. It wasn't until late afternoon I reached the path to the abbey, but I had been able to see the Abbey's gable from an elevated clearing.
Redwall itself was beautiful in the twilight. The red sandstones turned pink. I was let in the front gate and greeted by the Abbot himself. I accepted and invitation to the Nameday feast that night.
I grew to love Redwall, but I knew it wasn't for me. It was too crowded after I had spent so long alone. The beasts there were absolutely wonderful though.
Then one day came I had almost forgotten. It seemed very sudden on that day I turned fifteen seasons.
Still, I don't intend to stay here forever, you know. Only until I turn sixteen seasons. Then I'll set off again for the Highlands, and afterwards back south to Salamandastron. I decided that the day I came here. It's nice to have a break and make some new friends, but Redwall is too peaceful for my taste. I think one day I'll join a band of Players just for a change. But who knows. Not everything goes exactly as planned.
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