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Subject: Re: Compare what Maprik MP Kapris has done with Poyle

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Date Posted: Sun, Sep 07 2008, 01:35:25pm
In reply to: Bik Nem Nating 's message, "Compare what Maprik MP Kapris has done with Poyle" on Thu, Sep 04 2008, 06:40:26am


Kaim you seem to be very optimistic about the pending court decision and the subsequent by-election if Don's win is declared null and void. That's good but you just can't be too sure of that bud. The courts are independent and their decisions are unpredictable....it could turn out in Don's favor. I'm not a Don fan or nor do I have any interest in your district's politics but all I want to tell you is to be prepared for the worst as evidence suggests that situations like this can happen. Eg, think about justice Mongish's decision on Peter Ipatas' leadership tribunal. There was overwhelming evidence for Ipatas to be dismissed as he was found guilty of 16 charges and we all thought he was going out the back door. Even the governor himself admitted during one of his parties at Bluff Inn during the weeks leading up to the decision that if he is dismissed, he is still a young man and he can venture into other leadership roles. However on the decision day, he came out of the front door with a big smile on his face. He had the last laugh......and for his opponents, I don't know what became of them.


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[> Subject: Re: Compare what Maprik MP Kapris has done with Poyle

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Date Posted: Wed, Sep 10 2008, 12:17:20am

For those who do not know Polye well enough, he is a true National Leader of PNG including Kandep.

With a leader of Don Polye's calibre and capability, he can not get bogged down with Kandep from the start when all is not well with PNG. First, he had to work around the clock to save PNG from near collapse and bankruptcy, which he has successfully stated when he first got elected in 2002 if you realise. Kandep is like a branch of a whole tree that can die with all other branches and leaves if the tree itself is not saved from dying due to lack of nutrition and water.
Therefore handful of our visionary leaders including Polye will continue to work round the clock to macro manage to ensure PNG is on track with full economic recoveries and social woes first. You will start to see changes in your local districts when the country is put through a real change and it takes only one or few to do that which Don Polye is no doubt one of them.
It only indicates how naive and shallow some of our people are in their thinking and can not appreciate what someone is doing for them and their future generations.
That is not to say Kandep must be neglected which Don has already put in some impact projects like upgrading Kandep Laigam Road,built three major impact bridges, airstrip operating again, Kandep District Centre under construction, Treasury Offices and 12 staff houses built in his first term to name afew. His next projects are almost announced is the upgrading Mendi Kandep road, Kandep Magarima Road which already started and Hides Gas Power to light up Kandep.
Please be realistic and fair instead of portraying negative all the time of Polye.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Compare what Maprik MP Kapris has done with Poyle

Make Peace
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Date Posted: Wed, Sep 10 2008, 04:24:02am

Observer, people are leaders in their own right but I do think Don still has a leadership to offer to enga and PNG. I would suggest the complaint (AM) and Don come to an agreement rather than to prolong this court battle, as people of Kandep and enga are missing out on so many development aspects.

True leaders do talk peace than being like some mere machines allowing others to decide on their behalf. Courts should be reserved for criminals and not for leaders to muddle indecisively at the expenses of the people.

Engans, if we want to succeed, we the educated should learn to work together and support one another. Despite how educated we are, we would be stupidly dumb when we through our lustful desires think that we would perform better than capable leaders.

Finally Observer, your scenario for tree trunk and branches does not work here, misleading scenario and does not fit. MPs do have a bigger responsibility to their electorates first, and that is where the future of MPs hangs, 'bound-in' for another term or 'bound-out'.

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