Subject: Compare what Maprik MP Kapris has done with Poyle |
Author: Bik Nem Nating
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Date Posted: Thu, Sep 04 2008, 06:40:26am
This is just one of the projects
Maprik people to benefit from K6.8m water project
THE people of Maprik will benefit from a new water supply project.
The water supply project totalling K6.8 million, was jointly funded by Maprik MP Gabriel Kapris, who put up K310,000 and the National Government with K3 million as counterpart funding with the European Union taking up the balance of K3.1 million.
The Maprik water supply project is also unique in the sense that it was designed by two female engineers from the PNG Water board.
The contract was awarded to China Jiangsu International, whose chairman Kong Xin Ning, and PNG Water Board managing director Patrick Amini, signed the documents last Friday.
The work will take 18 months to complete.
The first phase consists of the construction of a water reservoir and water treatment plant.
The second phase is for the intake works and laying of pipes.
The company would involve local labour from Maprik for the project.
Mr Kapris said it took him more than six years to get the project off the ground with a K10,000 pre-feasibility study and a K300,000 full scale engineering study.
He thanked the PNG Water Board for their tireless efforts in putting together a submission to help convince the Government for funding.
Mr Kapris said he had worked six years and had promised the people during the elections that they would get a water supply project within his term in office as Maprik MP.
“It’s a dream to get this project going,” he said.
Mr Kapris, who is also Commerce and Industry Minister, said the water project was part of his plans to get basic services to districts and then create growth centres within each district.
He said nine pilot growth centres were planned for Abau, Central province; Tol in Pomio, East New Britain; Namatanai,New Ireland province; Aitape, Sandaun province; and Maprik.
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