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Flys in and lands -- Flaming Glory, 15:33:54 12/19/02 Thu
After a long bout with the blues, she flys in wings outstreched and ready to face anything. She knows that there are many problems going on. She knows that there might be some tensin and disloyalty to her because of her long absence, but she could handle it. Her feet touched the ground of the dirt in her familair lair. Looking around it all looked the same to her.
OOC: Do take it out on her to hard thanks.
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Looking for Glory and Zytka -- Drako, 10:18:56 09/14/02 Sat
He flew in eyes flaring in a deep red color.He had a small cut on his large head but nothing that would leave a mark.He roared summoning all he knew that he was not angered with.This included Glory,Zytka, and Kazul.He sung the song of the Dragoons to call Kazul though for she was the only one who knew it other than himself.He came close to biting many dragons that were invading his territory.He needed to speak with glory because a lower ranked dragon had attacked him for no reason.
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The Ultimate Goodbye -- Dr. Duveteux/ Avios, 17:33:57 09/15/02 Sun
Avios cannot complete her mission to avenge her death 700 years ago in the good Doctor's body. It was futile, so Avios will find another Avatar, probably in a Gryphon's body, as Gryphons are much superior to dragons. So, she decides to say the ultimate goodbye.
Goodbye everybody. I might see you, and I might not. Probably not. Gryphons and dragons don't get along well, you see, so if I do see you, you'll probably end up dead. Au revior, for a while at least. Goodbye Tricaraco! You were nice while it lasted!
With that, she rips open her throat, and falls to the ground dead.
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Flies in -- Unknown until now, 08:23:34 08/24/02 Sat
A powerful dragon flies in.He has many battle scars but none as bad as the one over his right eye.Foot long fangs hang over his bottom lip. None know who he is except the demon himself.He roar a beautifl but terrifing roar.One dragon approaches him.Her name is Kazul and this was her trainer friend and most of all protector.He leaves her behind and walks through a crowd of dragons.Most of them moved for the demon but those who didn't he growled a loud and feirsome(sp)growl and snapped his powerful jaws of death which were stain with many differtrent dragons' blood he walked up to the leader eyes glowing faintly red he asked in a low rumbling voice his head held high but not as high as hers he said one simple word "Join?"
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Shark flies in disappointed -- Shark, 11:33:22 08/10/02 Sat
The grayish-blue sub-leader of Draconus flies in and lands with a loud thump. She gives a heavy sigh and places her talking pet ferret, Dirk on the ground next to her.
What's wrong? The little ferret asks his bestfriend, his squeeky(sp) coming out from his tiny pink lips. He wobbles his way up to Shark's shoulder.
She turns her large head towards Dirk and sighs again. I feel as if I'm being ignored. No offence to you, but I need a lot more than a ferret friend to make my life happy.
She sits, hoping that someone senses her lonliness.
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::Enters:: -- Ziv, 16:03:24 08/22/02 Thu
::A male raptor dragn flies in and lowers his head, hoping for exception.::
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She flies in and waits for Klutz -- Kazul, 19:48:48 08/23/02 Fri
She flies in and waits for Klutz her new mate.......
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Shark waits for Skyclaw... -- Shark, 10:46:57 08/12/02 Mon
Shark lands in her lair, and awaits Skyclaw. After the brutal battle between Octarus and Skyclaw, he wanted Shark to assist him back at the lair. She waits for the dragon, looking around at the beautiful land before her.
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*Staggers in* -- Zytka, 19:59:10 08/12/02 Mon
*The evil female dragon flies in, having much trouble at it too. She lands on the ground and instantly falls to her knees, blood trickling off of her snout. She seemed to be breathing heavily. The ice on her chest and stomach was beginning to melt but the wound was mended together with fire as well. Her eyes slowly close and open quickly. She sighed and stood back up, watching the other dragons to their thing.*
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Join -- MoonCrystal, 18:22:00 08/14/02 Wed
The female walks in, smiling. Her eyes glisten mysteriously as she looks around for Flaming Glory
Hello? I wish to join!
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Can I join your lair -- Kazul, 04:46:23 08/10/02 Sat
A large female lands near the leader"Can I join your lair?"her sharp eyes narrowing she waited for the leader's answer.......
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A new dragon flies in. -- Duveteux, 18:50:02 08/05/02 Mon
A new, rather young dragon flies into the lair. "Hello? Does the leader of this particular lair happen to be in the vicenity? I wish to join your lair, as I know of no other around." The young dragon sits down and waits for an answer.
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Enters -- Shana, 14:04:41 08/02/02 Fri
The small dragon enters, smiling. She looks around for Flaming Glory, wondering if she could join
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Octarus begins to change the lair around to fit his needs. -- Octarus, 17:27:56 08/04/02 Sun
Octarus laughed evily. This lair was his now. Zytka would take care of her. He knew that she hated her with a bitter passion, and when this whole messis over she would be leader too. Octarus yells out. "Listen up you slobs! You are under my control! Flaming Glory and Skyclaw are dead kill by the one and only, ME!"
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Shark Enters -- Shark, 14:12:03 08/04/02 Sun
The bluish-grayish sub-leader swoops in and lands on a large rock. She hisses, and her ridged triangular teeth shine as she screeches through Draconus. She calls out for someone to come over and give her some company.
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Octarus rushes in -- Octarus, 17:11:02 08/04/02 Sun
Flaming Glory! Flaming Glory! Skyclaw has been killed! It was a Dragon named Zytka!
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Who wants free food? -- Octarus, 07:46:26 08/04/02 Sun
Before Octarus flys out to the Sky lodge, he yells out.
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*Flys in* -- Zytka, 09:05:15 08/03/02 Sat
*A red dragon flys forth into the lair. She looks around, waiting for her new friend.*
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*he flys in* -- Klutz, 06:32:27 08/04/02 Sun
*flys in and trips over a rock* ow! *he was a huge clutz.* Umm.. I wanted to know if I could join!
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hi from Puff -- Puff, 19:17:49 07/29/02 Mon
My name is Puff and I am pink wiyh purple eyes. I live in the forest and when I get mad my nose sends fire. I like to shower under a waterfall and I sing all the time.
good bye Puff
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Octarus enters -- Octarus, 19:19:41 07/29/02 Mon
Octarus flys in. His powerful hindquaters controling every move he makes in the sky. With his tail acting as a rutter, he glides in swiftly. Golden Occuils search the lands. His black scales gleam in the blackness of the moon. only a tiny bit of him had any color other then the ones of death. With a fearless screch he throws back his head and called for the leaders.
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Skyclaw's Hatchlings -- Kanor*Shlok*Nako*Maku*Skyclaw, 20:57:38 07/24/02 Wed
Skyclaw flew his 4 hyatclings to the lair to let them play.
*lays down watching Kanor and Nako freeze and defrost their siblings* *laughs thinking it was funny but stopped at a stern glance from his mate Flaming Glory and asked them to stop*
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Ryo to Rain -- Rain, 14:16:16 07/25/02 Thu
Ryo looked around scared of his brother. He desided maybe with a tougher name that he would be better when it. He thought up some names cloud, nope to soft. Bumper, nope sounds like something used at a carnavil definetly not. Then he thought of something. Rain. He liked that name. Rain was scary and people ran away from it. And the name would go along with his brothers power so well. Rain it was.
OOC: You can have Ryo, but this is only cuse I know you. But this is the only time...k?
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Flaming Glorys Hatchlings -- Ryo*Blade*Kiki*Lilo*Flaming Glory, 13:23:43 07/24/02 Wed
Like any good mother Flaming Glory escorted her hatchlings to the lair. If one got tired she carried it on her back. Eventully they all got tired and fell asleep on their mothers back as she flew back to Draconus. When she landed she gave them a bust of enery with her powers and they woke up and jumped off her back. Blade being a pest zapped Ryo with his lighting power. Getting an evil glare and a hiss from his mother he stopped. Blade growled at his brother and hissed back at his mother. Flaming Glory froze he sons mouth together to teach him a lesson. Kiki and Lilo laughed. Blade shot them both a look and they both stoped not wanting to get shot by lightning.
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Mating season -- Skyclaw, 20:46:33 07/23/02 Tue
I see that you and i both need a mate, Flaming Glory. Mebbe we should get together and have a little talk, yes?
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