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Date Posted: 15:08:10 09/30/02 Mon
Author: Zytka
Subject: Re:
In reply to: Avios/ Dr. Duveteux 's message, "Re:" on 14:32:33 09/30/02 Mon

*The female was now furious. She had heard that before and not from the Good Doctor either. From a dragon named Avios. She snarled with anger and fury once more and this time, swing her fully healed tail at 'his' face, hitting it and leaving a huge, blooded mark. The female then stood at her full height, 35 feet tall. She snorted and black smoke rose out of her nose.*
Compremise!? Comprimise!? You got to be kidding me! Not with you! You are NOT the good doctor and not for a second! You think that you are better than every other dragon well! I am the supreme ruler's daughter, but, not only of this world, of this universe! I am far more powerfur and superior than you will ever be AND I am much more civilized than your cummy little race would ever have been!

*The dragon then held out a massive claw. She swiped off some blood and then licked her claw, satified with the taste of blood. She then suddenly through a flash of fire and the dragon at the speed of light, knowing that no creature could never dodge that in a million years. She smiled and glared at the 'doctor' evilly, waiting her next move.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: -- Drako, 15:58:28 09/30/02 Mon

Suddenly an unearthly song filled the room.To most dragons it was an uplifting song but he made it so that the doctor would have a horrible sound rocketing through her head.He knew it would damge anenemy's hearing permeantly no matter if she had stuffed her claws in her ears or not the sound had done its damage.

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