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Date Posted: 01:09:15 04/17/03 Thu
Author: Rose
Subject: Re: Saw it again!!!!
In reply to: David 's message, "Re: Saw it again!!!!" on 21:04:10 04/16/03 Wed

>>>hmm, quick reflection.... damn i have a boring
>>i think i do cept when good bands are in town
>I agree, i have a very exciting life when good bands
>are touring. One night in late november last year, i
>was chatting to The Butterfly Effect for about 10
>minutes after soundcheck, and then was front row
>centre for most of the show, until i went to the side
>of the stage, where Clint saw me and waved. One week
>later i saw Pacifier play with Superheist and i got to
>chat to the band after the show. then 2 nights later
>i saw pacifier again, and was backstage, and then saw
>Clint from TBE and he said hi to me. now, that was a
>great week.
>my last week has involved work, crashing my car, and
>sitting on the computer. oh and sleeping and eating.
>its quite funny how things change so quickly, like
>from my boring week last week, and tonight i'm going
>to see Ben Harper and The Innocent Criminals, and then
>we've got Easter, and my work party and lot of cool
>If only cool bands would tour all the time, then i
>wounldn't have these boring weeks in between.

yeah i agree that when pacifier toured with superheist that was a good tour i went to every show in nsw that i could fare evade to. woo give it up for fare evasion. saved me a hell of a lot of money. this week is an alright week though im seeing gerling and mgf tonite and then on saturday nite im seeing ben harper and jack johnson and then on sunday im seeing a friend of mine who i havent seen in ages so this week is all good and to top it all off my mum has gone away and me and my sister are home all alone its great theres lots a drinking to be had.

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