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VoyForums Announcement:
Programming and providing support for this service has been a labor
of love since 1997. We are one of the few services online who values our users'
privacy, and have never sold your information. We have even fought hard to defend your
privacy in legal cases; however, we've done it with almost no financial support -- paying out of pocket
to continue providing the service. Due to the issues imposed on us by advertisers, we
also stopped hosting most ads on the forums many years ago. We hope you appreciate our efforts.
Show your support by donating any amount. (Note: We are still technically a for-profit company, so your
contribution is not tax-deductible.)
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This form is to report potential bugs, errors, or anything which seems
to be improper behavior of VoyForums software, forums, messages, webpages,
etc. For improper behavior of users, please see the
Violations of User Agreement form.
- Please include any information you think would help us see/understand
the bug/behavior you are reporting. This includes any relevant URLs,
message numbers, etc.
If you can help us reproduce the bug, please do! (read on...)
It is easiest to find a problem if we can see it ourselves, and almost impossible
if we cannot repeat it, so please include any necessary steps to repeat/recreate the reported behavior.
- Even if you can't recreate it, please try to describe exactly where
you were, what you did, where you ended up, what you saw, and what you
think we should do about it -- if any of it is relevant. :-)
- Please do not expect a response to this form, but please do not send
in a report without including a valid e-mail address -- it wastes our
time and energy to write a message to a bad address.
- While we try to review all submitted reports in a timely fashion, we
cannot guarantee any specific time which action can be taken, nor that we
can fix it.
- If you think you can fix it faster than us, please volunteer. :-)
Rude and sarcastic reports will be sent to the end of the queue!
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