To access the forum admin area, VoyForums sets a browser cookie.
It seems like:
1. Your web-browser may have cookies disabled,
or 2. You are trying to visit this page without
logging in.
Other Web Browsers: [ Opera | Mozilla | ELinks ]
More information:
If you are using IE, you should make sure cookies are enabled by selecting: Tools > Settings > Privacy > Custom.
If you are using Opera, goto: File > Preferences > Privacy, and enable cookies. Opera is available as a free download, has been around for years and is well-developed-- it is also more secure than IE--protecting you and your computer. You can download it for free, install, and even uninstall if you don't want it, without hassle.
Other browsers include:
· Mozilla, a stable browser
developed by the open-source community. Open source is also the way of the Linux operating
system as well as FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc. All are free open source quality operating
systems developed by a world-wide community of programmers.
· ELinks, a text-only browser. Very fast, and it supports tables.