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For a nice way to select colors, see: Cat 'n Moose dot com's color picker
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In webpages, colors for the background, text, links, etc. are specified by using a color name like "black" or "red", or a Hex color code like "#000000" (for black) or "#FF0000" (for red).
Hex (Hexadecimal) codes are in the format #RRGGBB -- the # sign is required to let a web-browser know that a hex color RGB code follows.
If you wish to use hex codes, you may wish to read the following quick lesson in decimal and hexadecimal numbers. You may skip down to the next session if desired.
Hexadecimal comes from Hex (meaning "six") and dec (meaning "ten") -- 6 and 10 being 16. Each digit in Hexadecimal may be from 0 to F (0 to 9, and A to F to represent the values 10-15).
Thus, the Hexadecimal number "B" is really the normal decimal number 11.
In decimal, the first place is the 1's (ones) place, the next is the 10's place, the next the 100's, etc. Thus, each digit is a power of 10 multiplied by the value there. This is why 635 is really "6x100 + 3x10 + 5x1", or 600+30+5.
In Hexadecimal it is the same, but each digit is a power of 16, giving us the 1's place, 16's place, 256's place, etc. In RRGGBB color codes you only use 2-digits for each color value, so you only use the 1 and 16's place. Therefore, a 2-digit hex code may range from 00 to FF. Remember, F in hex is really the number 15, so FF has a 15 in the ones place, and a 15 in the 16's place; this results in: 15x16 + 15x1, or 255.
To modify table colors by hand, you should probably already have experience with HTML. However, in general, the HTML to set a font's color is:
<FONT color="color_code"^gt;text here</FONT>Replace the color_code with a color name like black, red, yellow, etc. or a Hex color code like #000000 for black, #FF0000 for red, #FFFF00 for yellow, etc. Browsers accept this without the # usually, and you can save some space in a page by leaving the # out. We do it both ways here.
This HTML may be entered directly into your forum's Header, Footer, or messages (if you have HTML enabled in your forum's General or Display Options), or into the Advanced Tables/Borders where marked.
It is recommended for even the most advanced users to select a Theme and view the settings to see how they are used before exploring the capabilities on their own.
<FONT face="Arial">text</FONT>Combinations may be used, including setting colors, or choosing alternative fonts in case someone is missing the font you wanted, for example:
<B><FONT face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">text</FONT></B>...will make bold text in the Arial font -- if the user viewing the page doesn't have Arial, it will try to use Helvetica. If that fails, the browser will use its default font, which is usually "Times New Roman".
You can cut and paste these color codes into your own settings or webpages. The background of each cell is the actual color. The foreground text-color is, for visibility, a different color.
Lastly, you can fine tune the colors by adjusting the individual sets of 2 digits. For instance, 887766 contains 88 as the value for red, 77 as the value for green, and 66 as the value for blue. It looks like:
887766 |
007766 |
Hexadecimal values work the same as our normal numbering system, except each digit runs from 0 to 15, instead of 0 to 9 as in the system we commonly use. Notice our system (decimal, or base-10), does not hold up to 10 in any digit, but stops at 9. Second, notice that, upon reaching 10, the digit is set to 0, and the next digit to the left is incremented by 1. The question for a beginner to hexadecimal-usage might be, what happens when a digit reaches 9, because there is no room to hold a value higher than 9 in a single digit. The representation of hexadecimal solves this by using the letters a-f to represent 10-16. Thus, the number 01 in hex is 1, and 09 is 9, but 0a is 10, and 0b is 11. Likewise, just as the decimal system uses the 1's place, 10's place, 100's place, etc. Hexadecimal uses a 1's place, 16's place, 256's place, etc. Any value placed in a digit is multiplied by the corresponding location's value. For decimal, 201 is 201 because the 2 is in the 100's place, therefore being 2*100 + 1. Really it could be considered 2*100 + 0*10 + 1*1, or 200 + 0 + 1, or 201. In hexadecimal it is the same, but with each digit being a power of 16 versus a power of 10. Therefore, 201 in hex is 2*256 + 0*16 + 1*1, or 512+0+1, or 513.
In this page, the highest hex value we reach is ff, or 255, because each color uses only 2 digits. (f is 15 in hexadecimal, therefore that value has a 15 in the 16's place, and a 15 in the 1's place, leaving us with 15*16 + 15*1, or 240 + 15, or 255--and 255 is the maximum value 2 hex digits can contain, just as 99 is the maximum value a 2-digit decimal number can contain). The three pairs of 2 should not be considered related to each other--they are touching out of convention and should be considered three separate hex-values representing the "brightness" of each color: red, green, and blue.
Making your own color is as simple as adjusting the red, green, or blue value higher or lower. 000000 (or 00 for red, 00 for green, and 00 for blue) is black, because there is no value for red, green, or blue. Likewise, 0000ff is blue because there is no red or green, but blue is at the maximum value of ff (or 255). Purple would need some red and blue--let's say half-full red (hex 88, or decimal 136), and full-blue (hex ff, or decimal 255). This would give us 8800ff, which appears as:
8800ff |
Grey colors are made by setting the same value for the red, green, and blue (RR, GG, and BB):
000000 | 202020 | 404040 | 606060 | |
808080 | a0a0a0 | c0c0c0 | e0e0e0 | ffffff |
The following colors are considered viewable in most-everyone's web-browsers. Notice the different values
for the RR, GG, and BB.
000000 | 000033 | 000066 | 000099 | 0000cc | 0000ff |
003300 | 003333 | 003366 | 003399 | 0033cc | 0033ff |
006600 | 006633 | 006666 | 006699 | 0066cc | 0066ff |
009900 | 009933 | 009966 | 009999 | 0099cc | 0099ff |
00cc00 | 00cc33 | 00cc66 | 00cc99 | 00cccc | 00ccff |
00ff00 | 00ff33 | 00ff66 | 00ff99 | 00ffcc | 00ffff |
330000 | 330033 | 330066 | 330099 | 3300cc | 3300ff |
333300 | 333333 | 333366 | 333399 | 3333cc | 3333ff |
336600 | 336633 | 336666 | 336699 | 3366cc | 3366ff |
339900 | 339933 | 339966 | 339999 | 3399cc | 3399ff |
33cc00 | 33cc33 | 33cc66 | 33cc99 | 33cccc | 33ccff |
33ff00 | 33ff33 | 33ff66 | 33ff99 | 33ffcc | 33ffff |
660000 | 660033 | 660066 | 660099 | 6600cc | 6600ff |
663300 | 663333 | 663366 | 663399 | 6633cc | 6633ff |
666600 | 666633 | 666666 | 666699 | 6666cc | 6666ff |
669900 | 669933 | 669966 | 669999 | 6699cc | 6699ff |
66cc00 | 66cc33 | 66cc66 | 66cc99 | 66cccc | 66ccff |
66ff00 | 66ff33 | 66ff66 | 66ff99 | 66ffcc | 66ffff |
990000 | 990033 | 990066 | 990099 | 9900cc | 9900ff |
993300 | 993333 | 993366 | 993399 | 9933cc | 9933ff |
996600 | 996633 | 996666 | 996699 | 9966cc | 9966ff |
999900 | 999933 | 999966 | 999999 | 9999cc | 9999ff |
99cc00 | 99cc33 | 99cc66 | 99cc99 | 99cccc | 99ccff |
99ff00 | 99ff33 | 99ff66 | 99ff99 | 99ffcc | 99ffff |
cc0000 | cc0033 | cc0066 | cc0099 | cc00cc | cc00ff |
cc3300 | cc3333 | cc3366 | cc3399 | cc33cc | cc33ff |
cc6600 | cc6633 | cc6666 | cc6699 | cc66cc | cc66ff |
cc9900 | cc9933 | cc9966 | cc9999 | cc99cc | cc99ff |
cccc00 | cccc33 | cccc66 | cccc99 | cccccc | ccccff |
ccff00 | ccff33 | ccff66 | ccff99 | ccffcc | ccffff |
ff0000 | ff0033 | ff0066 | ff0099 | ff00cc | ff00ff |
ff3300 | ff3333 | ff3366 | ff3399 | ff33cc | ff33ff |
ff6600 | ff6633 | ff6666 | ff6699 | ff66cc | ff66ff |
ff9900 | ff9933 | ff9966 | ff9999 | ff99cc | ff99ff |
ffcc00 | ffcc33 | ffcc66 | ffcc99 | ffcccc | ffccff |
ffff00 | ffff33 | ffff66 | ffff99 | ffffcc | ffffff |