This is the first draft of this page. If what you are looking for is not covered in this page, nor the version 2.7 upgrade information and help page, please contact us using our suggestions form in the Exchange->Contact area. |
This page describes what you could put in the VoyForums Admin Menu's CSS, tables, & borders -> Cascading Style Sheet option, and maybe a bit more.
What can you put there?
Style Sheet definitions, and in particularly useful are stylesheet definitions which
affect the content of your page. This means settings that affect font colors, page
background, etc. Also, don't overlook the way VoyForums uses the information in the
style sheet--this means, while you can use all the ordinary style sheet commands
you are familiar with, if you know any, you also should understand that VoyForums
refers to some properties directly in order to set the colors, fonts, etc. in table
cells--this is especially useful in forums using the Tables style. Please
view our version 2.7 upgrade
information and help page for information on how this is implemented, as this page
is primarily for examples.
What do I need to know to read this page?
The examples might be enough for some people. It's worth a read through just to get
a feel for what it is. Many of you might find our
help page on Colors and Fonts useful, because it explains
what things like "#5e127f" mean (it means a purple color in "hexadecimal"). We hope the
page is useful, and it even explains what "hexadecimal" means. There are tons of
pages on internet about these things, but we figured we'd try and make it convenient
for you.
Also for reference, if you save your forum's settings (from the Backup & Repairs page), you can choose a theme and view your forum's HTML sourcecode. Some browsers make it easy on you to see the HTML sourcecode of a page, right from the view menu where it makes sense, but many users might have to search harder--try the File menu, Properties, or something like that.
Table-style, Moca theme:
This is the information we use for the "Moca" Table Theme. This is the actual
text which would be set in your forum's Cascading Style Sheet setting
(the box for text in the "CSS, tables, & borders" admin area).
.cb{background-color:#000000} .chd{background-color:#995e33;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;color:#ffffff} .c1{background-color:#edc696} .c2{background-color:#eeddc6} .cp{background-color:#edc696} .va{color:#b06000;font-style:italic;font-weight:bolder} .vu{color:#703000;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold}
The names, like cb, chd, c1, etc. are the actual names you will see in the CSS admin area. For instance, chd is the setting for the Header fields of a message; the Subject, Author, and Date call it by name. When they do, they adopt the attributes in the above ".chd{stuff}" setting--that is, they set the background color to whatever #995e33 means. They set the font to an arial font, and they set the font to bold and all white--that's what #ffffff means--it means white. Because this is the Moca setting, #995e33 is a brown color.
See the next example for more information.
Text-style, Jungle theme:
The Table themes have a lot of extra settings which aren't useful in a Text-style forum.
This is because the text forums don't have all the extra boxes in tables. The result is
that the Cascading Style Sheets aren't really necessary for a Text-style forum, and therefore
there are only two settings in this Theme's Cascading Style Sheet option:
.va{color:#e8f39c;font-style:italic;font-weight:bolder} .vu{font-style:italic;font-weight:bold}These settings, just as in the Table-style Moca theme example above, have names "va" and "vu". These are sort for "VoyUser Admin" and "VoyUser user", and affect only the display of the names of VoyUsers when they post. They must be logged in to VoyForums for their posts to have a "VoyUser" status; additionally, the admin of a forum must have a VoyUser account and they must place their account name in the "VoyUser Access/Priviledges" admin area.